Wednesday, July 15, 2015

House Rules

This is a living, breathing document that will be a mish-mash of specific "Setting Rules" and "House Rules". Setting Rules is what I say when I mean rules that are specifially inherit to the Last Parsec campaign setting while House Rules are kind of either my own thing, something I read about, or optional rules presented by Savage Worlds.

I know I distinguished "Setting Rules" and "House Rules" above, but I won't be distinguishing them below since there is no real purpose to it. I just wanted to explain my own logic (for as much as my self as for all of you). As a result, you can take these as our official guidelines. I may update it from time to time, but will generally try to give you a heads up when I do.

House Rules

Character Creation
1) Races. Humans are the most common, but there are many bizarre and diverse aliens out there. Please refer to the races presented in the Science Fiction Campaign Book for the races that are available (and numerous in the galaxies). I am allowing you to create your own race if you wish, though I will have the final say in it.

2) Traits. All your traits start at 1d4. You have 5 points to start with. Your traits are Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, Vigor. By spending 1 point, your trait raises one step (ex. 1d4 -> 1d6). No trait may go higher than 1d12.

3) Skills. You have 15 skill points to start with. By spending 1 point, your trait raises one step (ex. 0 -> 1d4 -> 1d6.) so long as the attribute linked to that skill is equal or higher than your skill. If you exceed the attribute, the cost becomes 2 points per die type. As with attributes, no skill may be increased above d12. Don’t forget to figure out your other stats (Parry, Pace, Toughness, Charisma).

4) Edges and Hindrances. You can take one Major Hindrance and two Minor Hindrances. Think carefully about the ones that you take. A Major Hindrance is worth 2 points. A Minor Hindrance is worth 1 point. For two points, you can raise an attribute one die type or choose an edge. For one point, you gain another skill point or gain additional money equal to your starting funds. Make sure when looking at Edges, Powers, etc… you limit yourself to Novice ones.

5) Gear/Starting Funds. You start with $1,000 in which to buy your equipment with. All equipment in the core rule book and the science fiction sourcebook is available with the exception of anything labeled Ultra Tech. Anything that is Ultra Tech requires that you run it by me first before purchasing.

Arcane Backgrounds
I am allowing only two Arcane Backgrounds; Psionics and Weird Science. Psionics manifest in certain races or are acquired through experimentation (either genetically or through cyber enhancements). Weird Science is something that stands out from the norm of engineering and standard technology; it is “super science” and you see it in a lot of characters who perform experiments or make strange tech.

The exception to this is Deaders who receive Arcane (Super Powers) as part of their racial trait. This is more of a result of genetic and racial enhancements through evolution or bonding with their hosts than actual Super Powers. The Super Power sourcebook will be off limits to them, as that source book assumes that everyone is utilizing those powers (which is clearly not the case for this campaign).

Blood and Guts
You can use bennies to re-roll damage.

Cinematic Ammo
To avoid bookkeeping, you don’t need to purchase ammunition at the start of the game. You are assumed to have the ammunition you need (bullets, battery packs, whatever). However, I draw a card after any engagement. If the card is a Five or lower, the group is Low on ammo. They have enough ammo for one more fight and then they’re out. They’ll need to find a way to resupply. Missiles, bombs, torpedoes, and similar “special” ammunition is tracked normally.

Critical Failures
Bennies cannot be used on Trait rolls where double 1's are rolled.
Cost of Living
To avoid bookkeeping, we’re going to assume the ship is outfitted for your basic needs (fuel, sustenance, etc). Your ship comes fully stocked at the start of the game, but you will need to replenish it as time goes on.

--Ship’s Energy: 300/300.
Your ship can hold a max of 300 day’s worth of fuel and energy. Each day your ship is used, you use one of your energy. One point of energy costs $300.

--Ship’s Provisions: 300/300.
Your ship can hold a max of 300 day’s worth of provisions (food, water, oxygen, etc.). One day worth of provisions costs $50.

We’re using the Fear rules on PG 85. If your character encounters a horrifying monster, situation, or something they’re scared of, a Spirit check will be called for. In addition, we’ll also be using other rules presented in that chapter such as Allies, Chases, Dramatic Tasks, Hazards, Mass Battles, and Interludes.

Joker's Wild
When a player draws a Joker, all players gain an extra benny.
Multiple Languages
Your hero knows his cultural or national language plus an additional number of languages equal to half his smarts die. For example, a human with a d8 smarts knows Human (default), and 4 other languages. "Human" is the default language most species utilize to communicate due to the large number of the species.

Knowledge Skills
Players have asked for a formal skill list; particularly in regards to the Knowledge Skill. 

Please refer to PG 23+ for specific definitions and uses of the Skills presented in Savage Worlds. We aren't changing any of the existing skills, or combining skills. I want to use the system as is pretty much.

I will, however, expand and define as much of the Knowledge skill as possible. This list should not be all inclusive, if people feel they need to take a Knowledge skill that is relevant that is not on this list, they are free to do so.

PLAYERS: You each receive one free knowledge skill equal to your SMARTS DIE.
ex. If your SMARTS die is 1d8, you can choose to have Knowledge (Whatever) 1d8.

NOTE: When confronted with a question, if a specialized knowledge is applicable, then a penalty might apply to the user's roll if they only have the broad skill. If they have the specific skill, they would likely receive a bonus to the roll.

NOTE: Ignore the Knowledge (Language) skill as written. Languages will be covered under its own ruling. If you want more languages, take the LINGUIST Edge.

Knowledge (Arcana): 
--Specializations: Psionics, Weird Science.

Knowledge (Battle)

Knowledge (Computers)

Knowledge (Electronics)

Knowledge (History)
--Specializations: Xenoanthropology.

Knowledge (Law)

Knowledge (Machinery)--Specializations: Robotics 

Knowledge (Medicine)

Knowledge (Navigation)
--Specializations: Astrogation. Geography.

Knowledge (Science)
--Specializations: Xenobiology.

General Rules
1) XP Rate: You will receive 1, 2, or 3 XP per session. This is based on whether or not the session was light, medium, or heavy in terms of roleplay, combat, storytelling advancement, and other factors.

2) Bennies: These are like the Chips that we used in Deadlands. Each session you receive 3 bennies. At the end of each session, any remaining bennies are forfeit, so spend them! I will hand out at least 2 bennies per session to the group for good roleplaying, cool actions, or helping me with bookkeeping.

I will receive 1 benny for EACH PC who showed up to the session (along with each Wild Card NPC receiving 2 of their own bennies per session). My NPCs can draw from these pools.

A benny can be spent to reroll any Trait test. You can also spend a benny to Soak damage. Soaking allows you to roll a Vigor check. A success and each raise reduces the number of wounds suffer by an attack by one. You can only use one soak per attack (unlike the trait reroll which you can do as much as you want). You can also use a Benny to immediately eliminate the Shaken condition.

3) Initiative: I will likely utilize the same set-up that we did in Terra Nullius where we pre-roll initiatives and I have five sets to call upon to use until we run out and repeat the process. We’re using the card based initiative system.

My Expectations
1) Code of Conduct: All I ask is that everyone gets along and that you’re not dicks to each other. I’m here to have fun. If you’re not having fun, reevaluate some stuff. If you’re being a nuisance for whatever reason, I may ask you to leave for the night. If it continues, maybe long term. Be adults. Get along. Work it out if it needs to be.

2) Open Feedback: I am here to work with you, help you, and make sure you’re having a good time. If I’m doing something you don’t like, tell me. If you want to see more of something, tell me. Whatever you want out of the game, tell me, and I’ll help you get there as best as I can.

3) Attendance: We will play at 4:30 PM (PST), 7:30 PM (PST). This will give me and you enough time to get home, do anything that you need to do real quickly, and be ready to go. This is a hard start time; once 4:30 hits and if I’m ready, I’m going. I expect that if I haven’t received an e-mail or text that you are planning on showing up. Stuff comes up, but make sure we know, otherwise I’ll be pissed. Ideally, we’ll play for 4ish hours give or take. If your schedule does not allow you to be present at this time, you will have to play catch up. I will ask that the other players help accommodate you as best they can.

4) Attention: I don’t care if you have a side activity going so long as you can tab out within a moment’s notice and pause it. I don’t want to be waiting on responses or your actions if it’s your turn. If your turn is coming up, pre-type it out and have it ready to go. If your turn is coming up, ask me the questions you need answers to beforehand. I want to keep the session moving. Don’t slow it down if you can help it. The majority of your attention should be on the game. This is out of respect for me and the fellow players. If you are clearly AFK, I will skip over you until you come back. You will be treated as if you had delayed your turn.

5) Patience: This is a new system for me and most of you. We are learning it together. Call me out if I’m wrong, or if anyone else is wrong. I don’t mind looking it up as we’re playing, though I do have the call to just make a decision and roll with it, then check later if needed. We’ll get the hang of it after awhile.

Skill Kits
A skill kit is a collection of skills. The idea behind skill kits is to make it so that you can have a wide variety of skills that fit within a collective theme.
  • CHARACTER CREATION: These options are added to the character creation section.
    • You can spend two skill points to raise a SKILL KIT by one die type.
  • ADVANCEMENT: These options are added to the advancement section.
    • You can increase any SKILL KIT that is lower than the trait(s) it is linked to.
    • You can increase any SKILL KIT by one die type.*
      • *You can only choose this option once per Rank.

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