Saturday, January 23, 2016

New Game Choices

As you guys enter new areas (and we start new modules / adventures), new edges and hindrances specific to those areas become available. If you are interested in swapping one of your existing hindrances for these new ones, or taking a new edge, just reach out to me and I will help you facilitate the swap.

    • Lethargic (Minor)
      Between Eris’ orbit and all the varying orbital rates of her satellites, night and day are fluid concepts. These constant shifts play havoc with some beings’ circadian rhythms, causing them to be constantly listless and enervated. Whenever the hero with this Hindrance sleeps, he must make a Notice roll (–4) to wake up. He also suffers a –4 penalty to Vigor rolls made to stay awake.
    • Void Sickness (Major)
      Spacers who suffer from this Hindrance are influenced mentally and physically by the galactic void that borders the Hyaergos system. Nightmares and out-of-body experiences, in which the dreamer feels the sensation of hurtling through a black void, are common among those with the Hindrance. No doctor has been able to pinpoint the cause. Your spacer suffers –2 to all checks to avoid Fatigue, such as those made to resist radiation, poison, and disease.
  • EDGE
    • Improved Gravitic Acclimation
      Requirements: Seasoned, Gravitic Acclimation, Agility d8+
      The hero with this Edge hasn’t just acclimated to zero-G, she’s virtually an acrobat. She can move swiftly in such conditions, and vault between surfaces to great effect. In zero-G she adds +2 to Agility rolls made to perform acrobatic maneuvers (including Tricks) and +1 to Parry.
    • Stun Grenade (Range - 5/10/20, Weight .25 lbs, Cost $30)
      • This grenade uses a neural force similar to an EMP to stun targets' nervous systems. When thrown, all targets in a LARGE BURST TEMPLATE must make a VIGOR ROLL or fall prone and incapacitated. At the start of each subsequent action, they can make a VIGOR ROLL to revive. Success means a target revives but is SHAKEN for the round and can cover on the next as usual. A raise means he revives instantly and is not shaken.

    • Weak Stomach (Minor)
      Your spacers' digestive system doesn't react well to new or unusual foods. If your hero's native cuisine, or at least the bland concotion of proteins and starches found in most ship's galleys, isn't available, he must make a VIGOR roll to eat the available fare. A failure on the roll means he simply can't digest it, while a 1 on his VIGOR die (regardless of the WILD DIE) means he regurgitates the meal immediately - which may have unpleasant social consequences.
    • Tranquilizer Pistol (Range - 2/4/6, RoF 1, Shots 1, Weight 3 lbs, Cost $700) 
    • Tranquilizer Rifle (Range - 4/8/16, RoF 1, Shots 1, Weight 6 lbs, Cost $2000)
      • Tranquilizers do not work against targets with an armor of +3 or greater.
      • To be effective, a tranquilizer dart must contain a dosage suitable to the size of the target. If the creature is larger or smaller than the dosage, it gains a modifier to its VIGOR roll equal to the difference.  
        • Example: A human (size +0) hit by a tranquilizer meant for a large dog (size -1) receives a +1 bonus. However, that same human receives a -2 penalty versus a dosage for a bear (Size +2). There is no upper limit to the bonus for an inadequate dose, but the max penalty is limited to -4 for excessive dosages.
      • Setting the dosage for a single dart requires an action and can only be performed on a dart not already loaded in a tranquilizer gun.
        • A rifle dart can be dosed up to Size +7.
        • A pistol dart can be dosed up to Size +3.
      • A target hit by a tranquilizer must make a VIGOR roll (-2 penalty if the hit was a raise) at the beginning of its next two actions. On a failure, it acquires two levels of FATIGUE, and with a success only one. If the target gets a raise on the VIGOR roll, he suffers no further effects from the dart, but keeps any fatigue levels he may have already acquired. 
        • It can be dangerous to hit a creature with a dart dosed for a creature 2+ sizes larger. If a creature hit in this scenario receives an additional level of FATIGUE beyond INCAPACITATED, he dies in 2d6 rounds unless another character makes a HEALING ROLL at -4. If a target critically fails one of the VIGOR rolls, the tranquilizer causes a heart attack (per the FEAR TABLE in SAVAGE WORLDS).
        • Creatures INCAPACITATED by a tranquilizer dart are rendered unconscious until at least one level of FATIGUE is recovered. FATIGUE levels caused by tranquilizer darts are recovered at the rate of one every 30 minutes.

    • Weak Stomach (Minor)
    • TANGLE GUN ($1,000, $150 per net)
      • Range 2/4/8, Damage None, RoF 1, Weight 9 lbs, Shots 5, Str d6
      • Invented for capturing criminals unharmed, the tangle gun uses a compressed gas cylinder to propel a weighted net a single target. When it makes contact, the net wraps around the target, entangling him completely.
      • Escaping a net requires a STRENGTH or AGILITY test with a -4 penalty. If the roll is failed, the victim is too entangled to make another escape bid and must wait for rescue.   
      • The mesh is strong and has a Toughness of 7 - cutting weapons only. Bound targets cannot cut themselves free. It is not possible to reload a fired web.
    • GRAPPLE GUN ($600, spare grapple line $50)
      • Fires a 30-yard high tensile cable attached to a metal spike. The user fires the gun as if it were a pistol (3/6/12). If it hits, the spike has lodged and can hold up to 500 lbs of weight. The fixed cable can be separated from the gun and tied to a nearby object, allowing the gun to be reused.

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