Sunday, January 10, 2016

Reputation Guide

For our Savage Worlds game set in the Last Parsec setting, I have decided to incorporate a reputation guide that will show you where you stand with a lot of factions and allies. This will help keep fresh the factions and NPCs as I may fall behind on updating those pages.

The reputation guide I hope to keep more up to date due to the benefits you will be receiving from it. It will work on a five point system as demonstrated below (hated, disliked, neutral, liked, loved). Most factions will start out in the neutral spot, but this may vary depending on starting relationships with them such as backstory and the like.

The benefits associated with a faction may vary from little things such as access to certain types of gear or discounts to bigger things like the ability to call for help.

Reputation Ratings
  1. Hated: This faction openly hates you due to your actions. They will often attack on sight or seek legal means to ruin your life. They will not work with you except for the most dire of circumstances and even then, they may try to find a way to mess with you.
  2. Disliked: This faction dislikes you. They will not help you; not without a steep price in their favor (2:1 for example). Depending on the reason why you're disliked, they may also seek to harm you in some way.
  3. Neutral: This faction neither likes you or dislikes you. There may not be enough information for them to form an opinion, or perhaps they didn't really care for you one way or the other. Neutral factions will generally work with you on a 1:1 fair ratio exchange.
  4. Liked: This faction likes you; you've must have done a couple favors for them or they were already friends or family with you. A liked faction is more likely to easily work with you and may even take a couple of risks for you. IF YOU ARE LIKED, YOU WILL OPEN UP TIER 1 BENEFITS WITH THAT ALLY.
  5. Loved: This faction loves you. They will often risk a great deal to help you out; within their capabilities of course. Once you are loved by a faction, unless you make a huge mistake, your reputation with them won't drop. Just remember to scratch their backs every once in awhile, alright?  IF YOU ARE LOVED, YOU WILL OPEN UP TIER 2 BENEFITS WITH THAT ALLY.
Reputation Lists

  • R: LIKED.
    • R is one of the leading research scientists in the Known Worlds and is always off chasing new mysteries and intrigues surrounding the Primordials. She is the mentor, mother, and friend of many of the Crew.
    • TIER 1 BENEFITS: The group becomes the owners of the Last Parsec; a light freighter vessel. 

  • Wacha: LIKED
    • Wacha is an information broker and smuggler of fine goods. She is a friend of R's and has been arranged to work with the Crew.
    • The Crew needs to prove themselves with a few more missions before Wacha will reveal what she knows of R's plans...
    • TIER 1 BENEFITS: Wacha will offer to travel with the group, and offer them the first clue as to R's whereabouts. 

  • Thomas Gizhinn Orley: LIKED
    • Thomas Orley is one of Wacha's contacts. He is a dealer in knockoff and counterfeit goods.
    • The group saved Thomas from Brevin's gang when they were trying to steal his antimatter drilling parts. 
    • TIER 1 BENEFITS: The group receives a 10% off discount on knockoff and counterfeit items. These items come with a small drawback; this will vary depending on the type of item. For clothing, it might just be poorer quality stitching while for electronics there might be some kind of bug that can make it shutdown. The DM will determine what this drawback is.

  • Daisy Stems: LIKED
    • Daisy Stems is one of the up and coming stars in the fashion world; trying to take the Known Worlds by storm with her army couture.
    • The group performed a cargo guarding job for Daisy; then saved her from a criminal (Commerce) when her deal went south.
    • TIER 1 BENEFITS: The group receives a 10% off discount on clothing items, fashion accessories, and armor when purchased from Daisy. These items come from her personal collection; so they're on the cutting edge of fashion.

  • Fayt Laanar: LIKED
    • Fayt Laanar is the CEO of Laanar Corp and one of the most famous holoplay actors around. He is charming, wealthy, and spiritual. 
    • The group kept Fayt alive during the premiere of The Lord of All Space; winning him as one of their contacts.
    • TIER 1 BENEFITS: The group receives lifetime free passes to the Holo-Play. The group may also work for Fayt as a contractor; earning money on the side.

  • Groid's Raiders: HATED
    • Groid's Raiders do not yet know that you impersonated them, but if they find out, that will lower the reputation to DISLIKED.
    • Several members of Groid's Raiders were killed or arrested as a result of your actions. 
    • Groid was captured by the party; he will hunt them down and attempt to murder them if he is ever freed from prison. 

  • Brevin's Gang: HATED
    • You tricked members of Brevin's gang into thinking that you were entering an alliance with them. 
    • Several members of Brevin's gangs were arrested as a result of your actions.

  • Law Enforcement: LIKED
    • You have attempted to make friends with Subsector Marshal K'Gaed Kaine.
    • You have helped arrest several criminals, continue this trend and your reputation may raise to LIKED.
    • You have broken several laws that if law enforcement finds out, may lower your reputation to DISLIKED.
    • The group has agreed to work directly for Subsector Marshal K"Gaed Kaine in an attempt to reign in Brevin's Gang and Groid's Raiders.
    • TIER 1 BENEFITS: K'Gaed Kaine has released her robot deputy, CLINT, from her service so that he might join the crew of the Last Parsec.

  • Criminal Underworld: NEUTRAL
    • The group has made several enemies within the Criminal Underworld, but none of them have significant pull enough to damage the group's reputation with major factions.
      • These enemies include Commerce and Asha.

  • The United Confederation: NEUTRAL
    • Allei and Remek have ties to the United Confederation from their school days.
    • The UC would be upset with Allei for absconding with one of their vessels, but her father swept it under the rug.
    • The group has not worked directly with the UC as of this time.

  • The Rangers: NEUTRAL
    • Crow is a member of the RANGERS and although he comes from a family of prestige, he is still considered a low ranking member within the organization at this time.

  • Bounty Hunter's Guild: NEUTRAL
    • Crow and Vela are both members of the Bounty Hunter's Guild, but have made no significant contributions to the organization that would significantly raise their standing within it.

  • Paragon Science Equipment: HATED
    • The group absconded with Nikki from one of their secret facilities where Remek worked.
    • Otan (Aurax head of security) and Vado Yirar (Kalian scientist) were both in charge of Project SHELL which somehow had ties to Nikki.

    • Currently, the group is on the radar of WRAITH after their recent interference with Groid, although it is difficult to ascertain WRAITH'S true feelings on the matter.

  • JumpCorp: LIKED
    • The group has been working with Maruul Soteeg; a kalian who works in Internal Affairs for JumpCorp. They have been helping her in several investigations and have performed several missions for her.
    • The group will need to show that they have an interest in the well-being of JumpCorp; or perform a truly outstanding service for them.
    • The group kept the JumpSec ship, the Starblazer, safe. 
    • TIER 1 BENEFITS: JumpCorp and JumpSec are willing to give preferential treatment to the group, if they know of their reputation. 

  • Roufel: LIKED
    • AUW-4Mhfp is an employee of this company. He has decent connections within the company, but not significant enough pull yet.
    • The group is currently testing pharmaceuticals for Roufel's R&D.
    • AUW has scored several important contacts and contracts on behalf of Roufel on the frontier. He has represented his company in a professional manner.
    • TIER 1 BENEFITS: Roufel provides pharmaceutical items at a 10% discount to the party and will continually offer cutting edge items to them to trial run.

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