Monday, July 13, 2015

Sage's Database: R.

... Sage's Database.
... Log In: R
... Password: ************
... Password Accepted.
... Query: File #R
... File #R Loaded.

Subject's Name: R.
Subject's Alias: The Sage
Sex: Female
Race: Parasteen (AKA: Deader)
Age: 43
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Hair: Black with white streaks, Long.
Eyes: Pale blue.
Special Characteristics: R's eyes glow a strange light in their natural state; an unexplained phenomena that she has been researching since joining with her host. When she concentrates, she can extinguish the light temporarily.
Typical Garb: R's host body is hermetically sealed in order to prevent further deterioration. As a result, she wears the typical body suit that all Parasteen wear. Over the course of her life, she has upgraded it to reflect the demands of her occupation but also to show off snippets of her personality. Most of her body is obscured by the black suit (a cross between power armor and a space suit) with the only parts of her being visible is her head through the helmet she wears.
Status: Alive.

Combat Assessment:
R. is a poor fighter as a result of her racial limitations. She has minimal skills in direct fighting which are further hindered by the inability to draw upon the full physical capabilities of her host. The clumsiness of controlling her host's body makes it difficult for her to shoot a firearm (which she has received no formal training in). Luckily, her body is particularly resilient to damage as a result of the same disconnect with her host that hinders her mobility.

While she is not a typical fighter by any means, she can channel her race's innate supernatural powers into what is typically referred to as a 'Bolt' by psionic and weird science designators. While her power does not come from either source, it is comparable to it; resulting in the ability to inflict harm with her 'Bolt'. If given enough time and experience, R. could further manifest these powers into other forms (one of which lately has been the ability to instantly read, speak, and write languages upon encountering them).

Skill Assessment:
R's standard traits (Agility, Spirit, Strength, Vigor) across the board are average, though often suffer from her race's natural inclinations (particularly her Agility and Strength). R's intelligence (Smarts) is unparallelled and she is considered to be one of the smartest minds in the Known Worlds. She is considered to be one of the foremost exports in anthropology and the study of new worlds, species, and fauna. She has studied science extensively as well to assist with her anthropology related endeavors. R has minimal experience with computers and medicine, but enough to get by. Despite having a keen investigative mindset and the ability to notice things out of the ordinary, she has had to work hard in the community to present her findings through persuasion as a result of the prejudice against Deaders.

She has basic training in Driving, Fighting, and Piloting, though she must truly focus and take to tasks carefully in order to accomplish them due to being a Deader. Her skill with her Powers grows with each passing day; being formidable first in her Bolt technique with Speak Languages following behind that. It is rumored that she possesses a third power, though she rarely manifests it due to the controversial nature surrounding it and her lack of control over it.

The initial life of a Parasteen is difficult; living without a host or inside an artificial one until one can be provided. Many parental units attempt to acquire a host prior to the birthing of their offspring, but that is not always the case. Although not her real name, the Parasteen known as R. chose to go by the moniker in order to assist species that had difficulty pronouncing her real name.

R's parents had menial administrative jobs with JumpCorp, but were able to provide enough funding for a suitable host for R shortly after she had developed. Her early years were spent entirely focused on education and as a result of having to hop from ship to ship or planet to planet (her folks administrative jobs involved check-ups on JumpCorp stations), she developed a fascination with the numerous species that she encountered. As a result, R entered the academia field of anthropology.

By applying herself at the Academy and forgoing most other extracurricular activities, R. became one of the foremost experts in her field. Her thesis was ultimately on the Progenitors, the alien species that is believed to have been the originator for all life. Upon graduation, she held a job as a professor at the Academy. In-between classes, she used the school's funding to travel the Known Worlds and even out into the Frontier to document and catalog new worlds, species, and fauna. Despite the dangers of traveling, nothing deterred R.

Though off putting to some as a result of being a Deader, R. developed close bonds to numerous individuals on her trips out into space. These people she kept in constant contact with despite the distance space put between them and her. She would often go out of her way during her travels to visit them. R. went as far to write her prized possession (a freighter vessel known as the Last Parsec) into her will for these individuals; hoping that she could draw her friends together in order to better their lives...

R. is primarily motivated by three factors: her curiosity, her cautiousness, and her loyalty. Due to her intellectual mindset, R. prefers to take caution in all activities she performs (resulting in extensive planning and occasionally be crippled from having to map out several scenarios and outcomes). As a result of being a Deader, she has difficulty forming bonds which results in extensive loyalty from those who accept her.

It is truly her curiosity that is the driving factor beyond all others. She wants to know where all life originated from; chasing after the rumored Progenitor race. Whether or not there is any truth to it, or if it just a fable, R. ultimately won't care so long as the chase always remains there. The feeling of discovering new worlds and lifeforms is enough to keep her going.


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