Saturday, January 9, 2016

Session 11 - Invisible Designs (Part 1)

  • The crew of the Last Parsec prepared for their mission with Wacha...
    • The poth'tox information broker requested that the group take a contract with one of her JumpCorp contacts within Internal Affairs.
    • The JumpCorp contact believes that someone within JumpCorp is planning to sabotage the space station by releasing dangerous cargo aboard.
    • The contact wants the group to retrieve the cargo by any means necessary and then deliver it to the Navy Docking Bay. 
  • Allei and Nikki did some preliminary work...
    • Allei discovered the docking port in which the cargo ship would be using.
    • Allei discovered several JumpCorp employees who may be open to being bribed and thus away from the cargo bay when stuff goes down.
    • Nikki was able to find a Rental location for a Cargo Barge that would be suitable to deliver the cargo once it was acquired. She also found a decent ambush spot within the cargo bays (that the group ultimately didn't utilize, due to going with a hide in plain sight route).
  • The group got together and ate Alpha CenThai food on the Last Parsec and finalized the last details of the mission.
    • Crow and Vela left together to go see Orley. They were able to make a deal with him to retrieve some JumpCorp knockoff uniforms that could be used in a disguise scenario. Orley seemed to be on good terms with the group and even told them story about a legendary Ranger named Kane who saved his home town growing up. The two of them brought the uniforms to the group.
    • AUW and Nikki went to the cargo barge rental place where they met a lackluster, wilting floran and an over-enthusiastic robot who were able to help them rental a medium-sized Cargo Barge. The two of them parked it near the cargo bay and awaited orders.
    • Tamit and Remek watched as Allei greased the wheels of her two JumpCorp contacts and got them to agree to be missing around the cargo boy when the Crolnec cargo ship arrived.
  • With AUW and Nikki on standby in the cargo barge, the rest of the group adopted their JumpCorp disguises and snuck into the Cargo Bay to await the arrival of the Crolnec.
    • Captain Zadra and his mixed-race crew descended into the cargo bay and presented their credentials to the disguised Crew.
    • Zadra is an intimidating figure; a rare race called Lupus. They resembled human-legend werewolves. Zadra was itching for a fight and overly aggressive, but his crew was tired and he just wanted to get them some shore leave.
    • The group learned that the crew did not seem to have much knowledge of the 'special' cargo Zadra had hidden aboard.
    • Zadra's legitimate cargo appeared to be $10,000 salvage, $8000 timber, $14,000 ore (which was in heavy need on this station; worth a +50% mark-up.)
  • The discussion played out...
    • Allei attempted to get Zadra to stay as a result of a surprise / red flagged inspection on this ship. Then, with some assumptions on Zadra's part as a result of Allei's word choice, the Lupus became under the impression that Allei's superior was his contact on the station.
    • It seems Zadra had accepted this job without knowledge of who his point of contact would be. He just had his orders and agreement...
    • The rest of the discourse will play out next time... Zadra has agreed to let his men go on shore leave and show Allei the cargo if she'll leave behind the rest of her men.
  • REWARDS....
    • [5] Fake JumpCorp Uniforms (two security, three low-level employee): -$500
    • [1] Medium Sized Cargo Barge Rental with Insurance: -$150
    • [2] JumpCorp Employees looking the other way: -$500
    • Sentry Bot (stats are on PG 39 of Sci-Fi Book)

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