- Tamit lead the interrogation against the pirate prisoner.
- The Rakashan pirate agreed to cooperate in exchange to be taken alive as a prisoner after he had been successfully intimidated.
- The pirate seemed to be unaware of an impending attack on Goldpoint Station.
- He revealed that Groid employs a 'Nerd' who handles the technical side of things at the station.
- He gave the group key phrases and access codes for this current week, as well as his key card.
- Groid was preparing to leave, but had to finish a meeting with one of his 'information brokers' first.
- Crow received a message on his PDA that disturbed him; he shared some of the details with Allei.
- The group knocked out the prisoner and left him handcuffed, then proceeded to the elevator.
- The group opted to take the elevator down; hoping to find Groid's hackers in order to prevent their interference and get control of the station's systems.
- The group attempted to oppose Groid's hackers, but they were able to remotely take control of the elevator and stopped it between levels.
- To get around this, the group climbed to the top of the elevator, dropped it, and then climbed down with the ladder.
- On the bottom floor of Groid's Rock, the group emerged from the elevator...
- They found a darkened computer server-area which was being defended by warbots and wardrones; the group exchanged in a fire-fight in the dark!
- The Last Parsec after their profitable exchange with the Ice Pick spent several days to reach their destination; passing through the Kallisti Reach and Goldpoint Station.
- Upon arriving at their destination, they got in touch with the JumpCorp's security vessel: the Starblazer. This ship is a Cutter Vessel; ideal for hit and run tactics on larger ships or a security escort versus lesser fighters.
- The Starblazer was commanded by Captain Reiner and his team of JumpSec professionals.
- The Last Parsec went aboard the Starblazer to discuss tactics.
- The Starblazer would remain on standby to handle any starships that attacked from Groid's Fleet while providing distraction and coverfire if needed.
- The Last Parsec would act as the main infiltration unit; entering Groid's 5-level base through the docking bay. From there, they had orders to capture or kill any pirates associated with Groid with their primary target being Groid himself.
- Nikki remained to pilot the Last Parsec, but her drone as well as the others left in a drop-ship to approach Groid's Rock...
- Tamit's excellent piloting skills allowed her to dock at Groid's Rock without being detected.
- Groid's Rock only had his flagship and several fighters docked at the moment; most of it looked clear.
- Vela lead the group into the heart of Groid's rock...
- The group encountered a small batch of pirates on their way to get Groid's ship ready; the group dispatched all but one of them who they made plans to interrogate...
- The group with some quick wit and thinking were able to fool Groid's Nerd who demanded a check-in...
- The pulse from last time seemed to be a freak, mini-ringstorm.
- Ringstorms occurred rather regularly out here; on a set schedule. However, sometimes, freak occurrences happened when debris and wreckage would fly through the area.
- The Away Team had to make it back to the ship before they got torn apart by the debris!
- Vela used her telekinesis to propel the cache and the Ice Pick's Away Team to the safety of the ships while the rest of the group had to make due on their own...
- Allei and Kuma counted on their agility in zero-g, Vela used telekinetic shields, and Tamit / Crow both utilized their weaponry to help them get through. Nikki was able to help by manning the LP's laser weaponry.
- Although the experience was harrowing, the away team was able to make it safely back into the ship.
- Once safely inside, the group prepared to open the artifact cache in the cargo hold...
- Vela registered a psionic signature within the cache that reminded her of technology on her homeworld.
- Once the cache opened...
- The group was exposed to an airborne virus that would lead to the development of Void Sickness. They all resisted it, and the threat would later be eliminated by exposing it to the vacuum of space while also performing a thorough scrubbing later on.
- A radbeast; a silicon based lifeform, formed a vaguely humanoid shaped and emerged with several of the silicon spiders that the crew encountered on the space station.
- The radbeast unleashed a burst of radiation, but the group was able to primarily resist the negative effects of it.
- By combining their gun fire and attacks, the group was able to destroy the spiders and the radbeast before any serious harm could be conducted by them.
- To destroy the regenerating radbeast, the group took its nuclear core into a lead containment and jettisoned it out into space.
- The group collected their voidsmen artifacts and ultimately parted ways from the Ice Pick after a job well done...
- 3 spare energy crystals (12 charges each)
- Tamit: Antimatter Displacer (BURROW) - This purple crystal disitnergrates matter in its path, and collapses it in its wake.
- Vela: Dimensional Shifter (TELEPORT) - This black crystal pin rotates the wearer along a dimension higher than fourth.
- Allei: Psychic Lash (PUPPET) - This black crystal circlet dominates others' minds.
- AUW: Quantum Shifter Type 2 (INVISIBILITY) - This transparent crystal pin bends light waves around the wearer.
- Remek: Quantum Shifter Type 5 (SPEED) - This thick, square crystal pin dilates time around the wearer.
- Crow: Quantum Shifter Type 1 (INTANGIBILITY) - This reddish-gray crystal pin shifts the wearer's spatial dimension.
- Nikki: Genetic Optimizer / Defuser (BOOST/LOWER TRAIT) - This pinkish-white crystal primes or decouples DNA to alter performance.
- The Crew of the Last Parsec spent the next few days making preparations for their missions.
- JumpSec gave the LP coordinates to a rendezvous point in the Kallisti Reach. From there, the raid on Groid's Rock could begin.
- The LP got clearance and began to fly out of Harmonia Station; through the inner rings of Eris Beta V and towards Kallisti Reach.
- Once in the Inner Rings, the group picked up a direct communication from another ship.
- This ship was known as the Ice Pick; a light freighter that acted as a mining vessel.
- The crew itself is primarily made up of simians and a few humans.
- Betty, a female white-furred yeti, with bangs covering one of her eyes, seemed to be the captain of the vessel. She ran a tight ship, but had a motherly quality to her.
- Spike, a male white-furred AUW with red eyes, is in charge of security and safety for the Ice Pick. He has no real soldiers under him, but his fearless and alpha-dominate mindset serve him well.
- Yayar, a female tulip floran, is the ship's mechanic and engineers. For her, getting down and dirty with oil is just as good as soil. She's rather reserved and quiet.
- Jang, a red-furred female simian, has a lot of piercings and an overall up-beat personality. She often hides her face underneath a holographic overlay of a bear. She's the ship's first mate.
- Plana, a male simian, he is rather unremarkable, but always seems to end up on away team missions for some reason.
- Ruko, a male simian, acts as the voice of the crew; usually having a good pulse on the ship's attitude.
- Adalo, a male kalian, has a penchant for over worrying and works as the ship's doctor.
- Betty had a proposal for the Last Parsec...
- They had come across a cache of Voidsmen Artifacts, but were afraid of possible security measures involved. These artifacts sometimes had deadly traps or guardians protecting them.
- In exchange for the LP providing security as the Ice Pick recovered it, they would split the artifacts 50/50.
- The group expressed some concerns, asked some questions, but agreed to a potentially easy score.
- The Last Parsec and the Ice Pick met up...
- The two ships docked with another.
- Remek, AUW, and Nikki would be the home team.
- Allei, Crow, Vela, Kuma (nikki's drone), and Tamit would be the away team.
- The away team for the Ice Pick was Jang, Ruko, and Spike.
- The away teams suited up...
- AUW revealed that he had a procedure that would allow the away team to treat the vacuum of space like a normal environment; it would be dangerous but provide them with more mobility and less restriction.
- There wasn't much to the Voidsmen Wreckage...
- It appeared to be some sort of living quarters at one point attached to a larger vessel.
- The wreckage had a psionic pulse to it. Could this ancient feeling truly have connections to the Primordials? Are they and the Voidsmen one and the same?
- Allei was able to acquire a circuit board from one of the door panels.
- The team was able to secure the cache of artifacts, just in time to feel a strange 'pulse' wash over them and through the empty space...