Thursday, July 23, 2015


This entry will be utilized for providing terms and definitions that you'll likely see in the campaign. I'll also try to touch on explanations, so as to form a common knowledge base for ourselves and for your characters.

Definitions might change as I learn more about The Last Parsec and running a sci-fi game in general. I live for rule of cool, good storytelling, dramatic stuff. I generally want this to be a "hard science" campaign, but I was never any good at science. So, be flexible with me!


Faster Than Light; Hyperspace Jumping: To join the community of the Known Worlds, a species needed to have mastered Faster Than Light travel in one manner or another. Some developed it on their own while others utilized other species to get there. To go Faster Than Light, a ship needs a "hyperdrive" to jump from Place A to Place B. A hyperdrive allows a vessel to venture into extradimesional pathways between points in ways that avoid hindrances (asteroid fields, gravity wells, black holes, planetary bodies, etc.) that could interfere with the jump. Astronavigation skills are needed in order to plot a jump correctly.

Beacon coordinates are needed in order to perform a jump safely. Jumping blindly is a dangerous prospect and takes significantly longer time to reach the destination than jumping safely.

Psionics: A normally untapped potential lurks in the minds of everyone. Certain species are gifted with the 'third eye' while others utilize cybernetics, chemicals, or other methods to draw out the potential of psionics from within. Psionics is a term that is used to encompass unique abilities like telepathy, telekinesis, and many others. In some cultures, psions are revered as Gods or Shamans while in others they're hunted down to near extinction. Psionics are just as dangerous as even the most advanced tech out there.

Walkers: Another term for 'Mech', a Walker is typically an automated or piloted machine of labor or destruction. Walkers typically tower over buildings, though the size can range by design. Walkers come in all shapes and sizes; from ones built to look like animals, humans, or stranger more alien things. Humanoid-shape Walkers are some of the most common for pilots to use since its easier to wrap their brains around the operations of it. Walkers are utilized in land, air, sea, and space combat when appropriate. Walkers are typically found in militaries, though lucky pirates and mercenaries get their hands on them.

Weird Science: Although not an officially recognized term, Weird Science is the term utilized for technology that can't be easily explained. When asked how a device works, most weird scientists shrug and reply that it 'just does'. Some people theorize that all Weird Science device draws on some ancient alien technology or universe wide unknown power source. Weird Science is typically a learned skill or trait, though in certain cases it can be inherited or discovered. There are many unexplained phenomenons out there and Weird Science is one of them.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Cheat Sheets

Here is a list of some useful "cheat sheets" to help you play.

Combat Survival Guide: 
Click Here.
-This PDF offers tip on things you can do to increase your accuracy or damage if you're fighting opponents that either are hard to hit or hard to hurt.

Combat Tricks and Tips:
Click Here.
-A list of creative (and legal) tips that you can utilize to get an advantage in combat. It summarizes some of the more advanced combat tactics covered in the core rulebook, albeit its slightly disorganized in its presentation.

Raises Chart:
Click Here.
-Need to know how many Raises you got? Take a quick look at this sheet, compare the target number to your total roll, and it'll tell you how many Raises you had on your roll!

Quick Reference Sheet:
Click Here.
-Forget some of the basics? This sheet as you covered; goes over the core mechanics of Savage Worlds. This is a similar one... (Click Here!)

GM Screen Inserts:
Click Here.
-Another quick reference sheet(s) meant to be used as GM Inserts. Attack Options is useful.

House Rules

This is a living, breathing document that will be a mish-mash of specific "Setting Rules" and "House Rules". Setting Rules is what I say when I mean rules that are specifially inherit to the Last Parsec campaign setting while House Rules are kind of either my own thing, something I read about, or optional rules presented by Savage Worlds.

I know I distinguished "Setting Rules" and "House Rules" above, but I won't be distinguishing them below since there is no real purpose to it. I just wanted to explain my own logic (for as much as my self as for all of you). As a result, you can take these as our official guidelines. I may update it from time to time, but will generally try to give you a heads up when I do.

House Rules

Character Creation
1) Races. Humans are the most common, but there are many bizarre and diverse aliens out there. Please refer to the races presented in the Science Fiction Campaign Book for the races that are available (and numerous in the galaxies). I am allowing you to create your own race if you wish, though I will have the final say in it.

2) Traits. All your traits start at 1d4. You have 5 points to start with. Your traits are Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, Vigor. By spending 1 point, your trait raises one step (ex. 1d4 -> 1d6). No trait may go higher than 1d12.

3) Skills. You have 15 skill points to start with. By spending 1 point, your trait raises one step (ex. 0 -> 1d4 -> 1d6.) so long as the attribute linked to that skill is equal or higher than your skill. If you exceed the attribute, the cost becomes 2 points per die type. As with attributes, no skill may be increased above d12. Don’t forget to figure out your other stats (Parry, Pace, Toughness, Charisma).

4) Edges and Hindrances. You can take one Major Hindrance and two Minor Hindrances. Think carefully about the ones that you take. A Major Hindrance is worth 2 points. A Minor Hindrance is worth 1 point. For two points, you can raise an attribute one die type or choose an edge. For one point, you gain another skill point or gain additional money equal to your starting funds. Make sure when looking at Edges, Powers, etc… you limit yourself to Novice ones.

5) Gear/Starting Funds. You start with $1,000 in which to buy your equipment with. All equipment in the core rule book and the science fiction sourcebook is available with the exception of anything labeled Ultra Tech. Anything that is Ultra Tech requires that you run it by me first before purchasing.

Arcane Backgrounds
I am allowing only two Arcane Backgrounds; Psionics and Weird Science. Psionics manifest in certain races or are acquired through experimentation (either genetically or through cyber enhancements). Weird Science is something that stands out from the norm of engineering and standard technology; it is “super science” and you see it in a lot of characters who perform experiments or make strange tech.

The exception to this is Deaders who receive Arcane (Super Powers) as part of their racial trait. This is more of a result of genetic and racial enhancements through evolution or bonding with their hosts than actual Super Powers. The Super Power sourcebook will be off limits to them, as that source book assumes that everyone is utilizing those powers (which is clearly not the case for this campaign).

Blood and Guts
You can use bennies to re-roll damage.

Cinematic Ammo
To avoid bookkeeping, you don’t need to purchase ammunition at the start of the game. You are assumed to have the ammunition you need (bullets, battery packs, whatever). However, I draw a card after any engagement. If the card is a Five or lower, the group is Low on ammo. They have enough ammo for one more fight and then they’re out. They’ll need to find a way to resupply. Missiles, bombs, torpedoes, and similar “special” ammunition is tracked normally.

Critical Failures
Bennies cannot be used on Trait rolls where double 1's are rolled.
Cost of Living
To avoid bookkeeping, we’re going to assume the ship is outfitted for your basic needs (fuel, sustenance, etc). Your ship comes fully stocked at the start of the game, but you will need to replenish it as time goes on.

--Ship’s Energy: 300/300.
Your ship can hold a max of 300 day’s worth of fuel and energy. Each day your ship is used, you use one of your energy. One point of energy costs $300.

--Ship’s Provisions: 300/300.
Your ship can hold a max of 300 day’s worth of provisions (food, water, oxygen, etc.). One day worth of provisions costs $50.

We’re using the Fear rules on PG 85. If your character encounters a horrifying monster, situation, or something they’re scared of, a Spirit check will be called for. In addition, we’ll also be using other rules presented in that chapter such as Allies, Chases, Dramatic Tasks, Hazards, Mass Battles, and Interludes.

Joker's Wild
When a player draws a Joker, all players gain an extra benny.
Multiple Languages
Your hero knows his cultural or national language plus an additional number of languages equal to half his smarts die. For example, a human with a d8 smarts knows Human (default), and 4 other languages. "Human" is the default language most species utilize to communicate due to the large number of the species.

Knowledge Skills
Players have asked for a formal skill list; particularly in regards to the Knowledge Skill. 

Please refer to PG 23+ for specific definitions and uses of the Skills presented in Savage Worlds. We aren't changing any of the existing skills, or combining skills. I want to use the system as is pretty much.

I will, however, expand and define as much of the Knowledge skill as possible. This list should not be all inclusive, if people feel they need to take a Knowledge skill that is relevant that is not on this list, they are free to do so.

PLAYERS: You each receive one free knowledge skill equal to your SMARTS DIE.
ex. If your SMARTS die is 1d8, you can choose to have Knowledge (Whatever) 1d8.

NOTE: When confronted with a question, if a specialized knowledge is applicable, then a penalty might apply to the user's roll if they only have the broad skill. If they have the specific skill, they would likely receive a bonus to the roll.

NOTE: Ignore the Knowledge (Language) skill as written. Languages will be covered under its own ruling. If you want more languages, take the LINGUIST Edge.

Knowledge (Arcana): 
--Specializations: Psionics, Weird Science.

Knowledge (Battle)

Knowledge (Computers)

Knowledge (Electronics)

Knowledge (History)
--Specializations: Xenoanthropology.

Knowledge (Law)

Knowledge (Machinery)--Specializations: Robotics 

Knowledge (Medicine)

Knowledge (Navigation)
--Specializations: Astrogation. Geography.

Knowledge (Science)
--Specializations: Xenobiology.

General Rules
1) XP Rate: You will receive 1, 2, or 3 XP per session. This is based on whether or not the session was light, medium, or heavy in terms of roleplay, combat, storytelling advancement, and other factors.

2) Bennies: These are like the Chips that we used in Deadlands. Each session you receive 3 bennies. At the end of each session, any remaining bennies are forfeit, so spend them! I will hand out at least 2 bennies per session to the group for good roleplaying, cool actions, or helping me with bookkeeping.

I will receive 1 benny for EACH PC who showed up to the session (along with each Wild Card NPC receiving 2 of their own bennies per session). My NPCs can draw from these pools.

A benny can be spent to reroll any Trait test. You can also spend a benny to Soak damage. Soaking allows you to roll a Vigor check. A success and each raise reduces the number of wounds suffer by an attack by one. You can only use one soak per attack (unlike the trait reroll which you can do as much as you want). You can also use a Benny to immediately eliminate the Shaken condition.

3) Initiative: I will likely utilize the same set-up that we did in Terra Nullius where we pre-roll initiatives and I have five sets to call upon to use until we run out and repeat the process. We’re using the card based initiative system.

My Expectations
1) Code of Conduct: All I ask is that everyone gets along and that you’re not dicks to each other. I’m here to have fun. If you’re not having fun, reevaluate some stuff. If you’re being a nuisance for whatever reason, I may ask you to leave for the night. If it continues, maybe long term. Be adults. Get along. Work it out if it needs to be.

2) Open Feedback: I am here to work with you, help you, and make sure you’re having a good time. If I’m doing something you don’t like, tell me. If you want to see more of something, tell me. Whatever you want out of the game, tell me, and I’ll help you get there as best as I can.

3) Attendance: We will play at 4:30 PM (PST), 7:30 PM (PST). This will give me and you enough time to get home, do anything that you need to do real quickly, and be ready to go. This is a hard start time; once 4:30 hits and if I’m ready, I’m going. I expect that if I haven’t received an e-mail or text that you are planning on showing up. Stuff comes up, but make sure we know, otherwise I’ll be pissed. Ideally, we’ll play for 4ish hours give or take. If your schedule does not allow you to be present at this time, you will have to play catch up. I will ask that the other players help accommodate you as best they can.

4) Attention: I don’t care if you have a side activity going so long as you can tab out within a moment’s notice and pause it. I don’t want to be waiting on responses or your actions if it’s your turn. If your turn is coming up, pre-type it out and have it ready to go. If your turn is coming up, ask me the questions you need answers to beforehand. I want to keep the session moving. Don’t slow it down if you can help it. The majority of your attention should be on the game. This is out of respect for me and the fellow players. If you are clearly AFK, I will skip over you until you come back. You will be treated as if you had delayed your turn.

5) Patience: This is a new system for me and most of you. We are learning it together. Call me out if I’m wrong, or if anyone else is wrong. I don’t mind looking it up as we’re playing, though I do have the call to just make a decision and roll with it, then check later if needed. We’ll get the hang of it after awhile.

Skill Kits
A skill kit is a collection of skills. The idea behind skill kits is to make it so that you can have a wide variety of skills that fit within a collective theme.
  • CHARACTER CREATION: These options are added to the character creation section.
    • You can spend two skill points to raise a SKILL KIT by one die type.
  • ADVANCEMENT: These options are added to the advancement section.
    • You can increase any SKILL KIT that is lower than the trait(s) it is linked to.
    • You can increase any SKILL KIT by one die type.*
      • *You can only choose this option once per Rank.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Last Parsec (Ship Details)

The Last Parsec (Freighter, Light.)
-Medium Starship.
--Size (8). Acceleration (55). Top Speed (700).
--Climb (2). Toughness (25). Armor (6). Crew (5).

--Weapons: Dual Linked Heavy Lasers
**Range: 150 / 300 / 600.
**Damage: 4d10.
**Rate of Fire: 1
**Ammo: 100 (Power Cores cost $2,000).
**Modifications: 3
~~~Dual Linked: +1 attack, +2 damage.

--Remaining Ship Modifications (4)
*Artificial Intelligence (AI): The ship’s AI can operate all systems – from locomotion to weapons to opening or closing hatches. It has a skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the Captain’s Action card. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action.

*Anti-Missile Counter Measures (AMCM): These integrated jammers and decoys provide a +2 Piloting, Knowledge (Astrogation), or Knowledge (Electronics) to evade missile attacks and tractor beams.

*Atmospheric: This ship can enter planetary atmospheres. This includes heat shielding and additional work to handle the stress and strain of entry. All starships have vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability.

*Deflector Screens: This vessel is protected by an energy field that deflects incoming ballistic attacks (it has no effect against lasers). Attackers must subtract -2 from their Shooting rolls.

*FTL Drive: This includes both the drive and the astrogation system required to use it.

*Planetary Sensor Suite: Range (10k miles). Optical, chemical, motion, and other active sensors ignore illumination penalties and add +2 to Notice rolls made to detect designated types of targets such as biological beings, chemical signatures, metal, etc. The targets do not have to be visible, though dense materials may cause inaccurate or false readings at the GM’s discretion.

*Speed 2: Each purchase of this increases the ship’s Acceleration by 5 and Top Speed by 50. This is factored in above.

*Leviathan Protocol:  Upon activation, an EMP WARHEAD in a LARGE BURST TEMPLATE centered on the LAST PARSEC is fired. The LEVIATHAN then takes control of the Last Parsec for as long as its electronics are down. The Last Parsec then acts as an NPC with the abilities of a SPACE LEVIATHAN (see Science Fiction Companion, PG 93).

The Last Parsec is classified as a Light Freighter; a cozy and comfortable affair for an intimate crew. Bigger than a drop ship or fighter ship, smaller than most other ships, the Last Parsec is made of reinforced steel and painted granite black. The design is sleek and clearly human in origination. The front of the ship has reinforced glass to allow the pilot to see out of it, though there are limited windows (normally kept sealed) and airlocks scattered at main points.

The ship is divided into three main portions: the cockpit, the cargo hold, and the living quarters. The ship starts off narrow, but tends to widen towards the middle and keeps the size to the end of it. From its back end, there are two outward 'wings' to help it keep balance with the cargo hold.

The Last Parsec was originally utilized as a freighter vessel by the United Confederacy, but a crew of pirates damaged it severely in one of its transport runs. The UC salvaged the ship when it docked and then utilized it as a teaching tool in one of their academies. Many budding mechanics tested their skills and prowess on getting the ship operational with the school's limited funding. Finally, it got to the point where the ship was good and new, no longer worthy as a teaching tool. While briefly utilized in piloting classes, it was eventually requisitioned for use by Professor R (AKA: The Sage).

R. made The Last Parsec a truly unique vessel at this point; going out of her way to customize it, spice it up, and make alterations to fit her personality and mission. No longer just a freighter ship, but rather a modified 'research vessel', The Last Parsec allowed R. to conduct her research and journeys across the Known Worlds and the Frontier itself.

During this time, neither the Academy or the UC really keep abreast of The Last Parsec beyond the short reports that she sent back; generally fulfilling reasonable requisitions that she would make for the sake of her studies. If R. did not meet you at the Academy, you likely met her during this time that she ventured space in the name of research.

It will have been some time since you last spoke to R., but you receive a holo-message from the executor of her will: you have inherited part of The Last Parsec. The report is sparse at best, but the executor claims that The Last Parsec showed up to dock at a refueling station. The ship sent a final message; a distress call that repeated itself on loop. It was vague, but upon doing a heat scan of the ship, no lifeforms were detected on board.

Upon attempts to access the ship, they were thwarted by the ship's A.I. reportedly. The password to enter the vessel remains in R's will. Attempts to contact the Deader have failed; resulting in the message to you all...

You gathered your things. This is a big opportunity for you: your very own ship. At the same time, what became of your contact?

The Last Parsec is a Light Freighter Vessel that has been re-purposed and modified overtime. The ship has three 'tiers' which are referred to as basement, floor, and attic. There are several ways into the ship - doors that lead into the cargo bay or the interlude between the cockpit and the kitchen.

The ship has a standard computer system that helps run automated systems. A program created by R. has left her memories and answers within the ship in a hologram format - attempting to address any questions that the crew has.

However, the ship itself is run fully by an Artificial Intelligence known as Tamit. This A.I. is a unique creation of coding created by Nikki, unlike anything out there in the Known Worlds. Tamit has been heavily modified, as well as the ship, with alien and ancient technology R. has found over the course of her explorations. Tamit is a huge asset, but can sometimes be a danger to herself and the crew when a malfunction occurs.

The basement contains the ships inner workings. On this floor the ships engines and machinery can be found. It is cramped and humid, but for a grease monkey -- its home.

The attic's contents are entirely unknown - an area that has been off access and locked thanks to R. In order to access it, three things had to be given: a verbal object, a material object, and a sample of DNA. The area is believed to be her primary work space.

The main floor is divided into several major sections. At the front of the ship, you have the cockpit. Home to numerous computer consoles, captain's chair, and pilot seats, this portion of the ship can be utilized by a single person but works best with an entire team staffing the area. Shortly before that, there is a small alcove and commons area that is used as the primary means of entrance and exit to the ship. After that, there is a small communal dining area with tables, benches, and a kitchenette that can be used for meals.

In the middle of the ship, the cargo bay area rests. The cargo bay is huge - typically manned with empty storage containers that are suitable for whatever the crew might need to transport. The majority of the crew's supplies are also maintained area.

Through the cargo bay and to the rear of the ship is the living quarters. There are several small rooms here that serve as bedrooms or bathrooms. The captain's quarters are here as well - easily twice the size of any other bedroom (it pays to be in charge!). Most notably, a common rest area has been provided with a couches, tables, a gaming table, a television display, and exercise equipment.

The ship has seen some wear and tear, but it stands out as a notable marvel thanks to 'stealth' upgrades that have been made to it - most of which would baffle people due to the unknown alien technology involved with it.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Sage's Database: R.

... Sage's Database.
... Log In: R
... Password: ************
... Password Accepted.
... Query: File #R
... File #R Loaded.

Subject's Name: R.
Subject's Alias: The Sage
Sex: Female
Race: Parasteen (AKA: Deader)
Age: 43
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Hair: Black with white streaks, Long.
Eyes: Pale blue.
Special Characteristics: R's eyes glow a strange light in their natural state; an unexplained phenomena that she has been researching since joining with her host. When she concentrates, she can extinguish the light temporarily.
Typical Garb: R's host body is hermetically sealed in order to prevent further deterioration. As a result, she wears the typical body suit that all Parasteen wear. Over the course of her life, she has upgraded it to reflect the demands of her occupation but also to show off snippets of her personality. Most of her body is obscured by the black suit (a cross between power armor and a space suit) with the only parts of her being visible is her head through the helmet she wears.
Status: Alive.

Combat Assessment:
R. is a poor fighter as a result of her racial limitations. She has minimal skills in direct fighting which are further hindered by the inability to draw upon the full physical capabilities of her host. The clumsiness of controlling her host's body makes it difficult for her to shoot a firearm (which she has received no formal training in). Luckily, her body is particularly resilient to damage as a result of the same disconnect with her host that hinders her mobility.

While she is not a typical fighter by any means, she can channel her race's innate supernatural powers into what is typically referred to as a 'Bolt' by psionic and weird science designators. While her power does not come from either source, it is comparable to it; resulting in the ability to inflict harm with her 'Bolt'. If given enough time and experience, R. could further manifest these powers into other forms (one of which lately has been the ability to instantly read, speak, and write languages upon encountering them).

Skill Assessment:
R's standard traits (Agility, Spirit, Strength, Vigor) across the board are average, though often suffer from her race's natural inclinations (particularly her Agility and Strength). R's intelligence (Smarts) is unparallelled and she is considered to be one of the smartest minds in the Known Worlds. She is considered to be one of the foremost exports in anthropology and the study of new worlds, species, and fauna. She has studied science extensively as well to assist with her anthropology related endeavors. R has minimal experience with computers and medicine, but enough to get by. Despite having a keen investigative mindset and the ability to notice things out of the ordinary, she has had to work hard in the community to present her findings through persuasion as a result of the prejudice against Deaders.

She has basic training in Driving, Fighting, and Piloting, though she must truly focus and take to tasks carefully in order to accomplish them due to being a Deader. Her skill with her Powers grows with each passing day; being formidable first in her Bolt technique with Speak Languages following behind that. It is rumored that she possesses a third power, though she rarely manifests it due to the controversial nature surrounding it and her lack of control over it.

The initial life of a Parasteen is difficult; living without a host or inside an artificial one until one can be provided. Many parental units attempt to acquire a host prior to the birthing of their offspring, but that is not always the case. Although not her real name, the Parasteen known as R. chose to go by the moniker in order to assist species that had difficulty pronouncing her real name.

R's parents had menial administrative jobs with JumpCorp, but were able to provide enough funding for a suitable host for R shortly after she had developed. Her early years were spent entirely focused on education and as a result of having to hop from ship to ship or planet to planet (her folks administrative jobs involved check-ups on JumpCorp stations), she developed a fascination with the numerous species that she encountered. As a result, R entered the academia field of anthropology.

By applying herself at the Academy and forgoing most other extracurricular activities, R. became one of the foremost experts in her field. Her thesis was ultimately on the Progenitors, the alien species that is believed to have been the originator for all life. Upon graduation, she held a job as a professor at the Academy. In-between classes, she used the school's funding to travel the Known Worlds and even out into the Frontier to document and catalog new worlds, species, and fauna. Despite the dangers of traveling, nothing deterred R.

Though off putting to some as a result of being a Deader, R. developed close bonds to numerous individuals on her trips out into space. These people she kept in constant contact with despite the distance space put between them and her. She would often go out of her way during her travels to visit them. R. went as far to write her prized possession (a freighter vessel known as the Last Parsec) into her will for these individuals; hoping that she could draw her friends together in order to better their lives...

R. is primarily motivated by three factors: her curiosity, her cautiousness, and her loyalty. Due to her intellectual mindset, R. prefers to take caution in all activities she performs (resulting in extensive planning and occasionally be crippled from having to map out several scenarios and outcomes). As a result of being a Deader, she has difficulty forming bonds which results in extensive loyalty from those who accept her.

It is truly her curiosity that is the driving factor beyond all others. She wants to know where all life originated from; chasing after the rumored Progenitor race. Whether or not there is any truth to it, or if it just a fable, R. ultimately won't care so long as the chase always remains there. The feeling of discovering new worlds and lifeforms is enough to keep her going.


Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Setting

The universe is seemingly limitless. Stars, planets, and stranger celestial bodies are waiting to be explored by intrepid beings from across the galaxies. Day to day, life is much the same for people as it always has been. People are worried about finances, keeping their stomachs full, and having a roof over their heads.

The volume of space most thoroughly explored by the various races spans the width of the Milky Way galaxy’s Orion Arm. The thousands of inhabited worlds are scattered among the billions of star systems within, most of which have never been explored. Billions of other galaxies and millions more inhabited planets, races, flora, fauna, and other phenomena lay beyond.

The majority of business, culture, trade, and other important facets of life take place in The Known Worlds. This term refers to the collection of home worlds or inhabited worlds in which a long term, stable presence has been created. The Known Worlds are generally considered to be safe and fruitful despite the lack of a central government. Most interactions between civilizations are conducted through local diplomacy, trade agreements, and treaties. Most inhabited worlds maintain at least a small navy to enforce their laws. It is possible to be a wanted criminal in several systems while utterly free in others, which has led to the existence of the lucrative, though oft scorned profession of bounty hunters.

A number of system-spanning empires exist such as the United Confederation in the Milky Way or the rakashan Tazanian Empire, but even these are tiny compared to the vastness of the Known Worlds, and certainly to the last parsecs of space far, far beyond. Between the stars, what law exists is usually enforced at the end of a blaster. While you will visit the Known Worlds from time to time, and likely were even born and raised there, the majority of this campaign will take place out on what is known as the Frontier.

The Frontier refers mostly to the regions that have not been fully explored yet. Empires, corporations, and other factions send off their representatives to these yet unknown worlds to terraform it and create communities in hopes of staking claims to precious lands and resources. Possession seems the be nine tenths of the law out there in space and while there are territory disputes from time to time, the various factions largely tend to avoid it thanks to the amount of options out there. If one planet is already taken, then just fly on to the next one. Of course, not all planets are made equal, but it’s a give and take relationship for many.

The Frontier is where many people go to pursue their dreams. Some sign up on these expeditions for the good pay that it offers; sending it back across to the stars to their families in needs. Others seek to create a new home for themselves and their loved ones; leaving behind their old lives and starting anew. Others are just looking to capitalize; whether that means exploiting a place for its resources, exploiting the people there for services or supplies, or taking advantage of the general lawlessness to run criminal enterprises or stay ahead of the law.

Work is available in abundance out on the Frontier. Whether you’re striking it out on your own or signing up with a crew, you will find that everything from farming, mechanical work, transportation services, and mining expeditions can be pursued. There are some out there that are doing it for scientific pursuit; that is cataloging new species, flora, and studying ancient (or even still breathing) cultures. Many hope of finding the ‘jack pot’ discovery; that is the origins of all life. Some believe in a progenitor race that predates the Known Worlds. Whether there is any truth to this rumor who knows.

It’s not all rainbows and sunshine out on the Frontier though. Many of these worlds are inhospitable and the denizens on them may not like newcomers. In some cases, the Frontier is just a collection of criminal enterprises trying to eke out a meager existence while avoiding the justice they’ve avoided. It’s hard to tell what the reputation of a planet will end up being until the people have lived there a few decades at the very least.

Although in many cases people out in the Frontier are acting on behalf of a faction, there are some cases it’s just a small community of people trying to make their own claim. This is often scary and dangerous for these people as there is a constant fear that a legitimate government or faction may roll in and lay ‘official’ claim to the area; taking over their homes and possibly their lives. Threats like piracy, slavers, weapon and drug trafficking, and all other manner of illegal activity are just as real as the ‘official’ threats too.

The Frontier has the good, the bag, and the ugly. What will you try to make of it?

The Factions

Whether back in the Known Worlds or out on the Frontier, Factions play an important role in space. Who you know can make the difference between life and death. Affiliations can open huge doors for you, but at the same time they can just as easily close them. That being said, if you choose to go the Lone Wolf route, you might find life to be difficult without friends.

Factions are generally organizations that have big power, resources, and offer something to the galaxy. Whether it is a business, an empire, or a band of pirates, factions shape the political and financial landscape. Factions generally have specific goals in mind to further their interests. The list below should not be considered all inclusive because there are too many factions out there to count. However, these are the factions that have been established thus far and will likely play a role somehow in the campaign.

A Major Faction refers to one that is relevant to a PC, to the plot, or is big enough to warrant being called such. A Minor Faction refers to one that could be relevant to the game but at a lesser capacity.

Government Factions
These are organizations that function in a primary governmental capacity or are officially sanctioned by governments.

The Clanless [MAJOR]
The Matriarch of the Khazrak people formed this organization of volunteers to act as ambassadors for their people out into the Known Worlds and the Frontier. The Clanless travel solo, in small groups, or with alien "friends" to explore and learn all that is available to the Galactic Community. They are tasked with information gathering so that the Matriarch can make an informed decision on how to approach her people's arrival into the Galactic Community.

The Rangers [MAJOR]
The Rangers are a law enforcement agency that are meant to act outside of the confines of bureaucracy in order to seek justice in the Known Worlds and the Frontier. While the United Confederacy (UC) acts as the main body of law enforcement, the Rangers are meant to go where the UC can't or won't. Rangers are not bound to one organization, world, or species. Rangers believe no one is above the law, and that the law needs to be executed or else chaos will follow.

Believed to have loose ties back to the original Texas Rangers back on Earth, the Rangers were originally founded by humans, but as the human race become a part of the intergalatic fold; they invited alien species and all others to join the organization should they meet its strict standards. Each ranger goes through a heavy screening process and training period. Rangers are meant to be incorruptible and should a recruit show the slightest hints of corruption, they will be let go. In most cases, the Rangers police their own; hunting down rogue members if it becomes necessary (a rarity though given their screening process).

Rangers are considered to be among the best of the best in law enforcement. They live by the creed of: "One Riot, One Ranger." In rare circumstances, Rangers have the ability to deputize others that they're working closely with in order to see a job done. Rangers have tracked down criminals to the far reaches of the galaxy, but have also done more in depth investigations such as revealing corruption in world governments and businesses.

Rangers shine in their freedom to act. While they can be assigned missions, the majority of them pursue their own interests, investigations, and leads so long as it aligns with the goals of the Rangers (that is, bring justice and enforce the law where there is none, or assist the law where it is unable or unwilling to act). Ideally, the Rangers are meant to circumvent where there are jurisdiction issues (though those against the Rangers label them as little more than bounty hunters.)

Most of the Known Worlds have signed treaties allowing the Rangers to act within their jurisdiction and the United Confederacy officially recognizes and sanctions the Rangers. It took awhile for the Rangers to earn their legitimacy, but once they did, their badges were something to respect and to fear. Recently (roughly two decades ago), it is believed that the Rangers began to poke their nose into something... big.

It is rumored that the Rangers came across a huge corruption scandal, while others say that the criminal underworld had finally united to take them out. Whatever the reason, the main headquarters of the Rangers was destroyed over night and most of their numbers were eliminated. The UC officially designated an act of terrorism, but the details on it were always vague and confidential. The majority of Rangers went into hiding.

Largely a secretive order now, the remaining Rangers have banded together and kept in the shadows to keep ahead of their enemies. They're likely hunting down the ones behind the attacks, but every no and again, you will see a lone ranger out on the Frontier; enforcing the law to the lawless. Most say this is a myth though, and that the Rangers are extinct. Anyone claiming to be one is just a charlatan.

Rigellian Slave Fleet [MINOR]
The insectoid Rigellians are a scourge of cold-hearted wanderers from some distant and long-lost system. They travel the galaxy preying on weak or isolated colonies, killing those who resist and capturing the rest for their massive slave ships. The unfortunate captives are sold to other unscrupulous empires for cheap, short term labor. Each ship is captained by an overseer, with the fleet's overall commander, the master overseer, stationed on the carrier.

Tazanian Empire [MAJOR]
Perhaps one of the most feared factions in the Known Worlds, the Tazanian Empire is the name given to the unified front of the Rakashan race. The Tazanian Empire has conquered thousands of worlds and don’t appear to be stopping. While it has not yet begun any open conflict with the existing races, there is always the fear that they will. The populations under the Empire are little more than slaves or serfs in some cases. Sometimes rebellions stir, but they’re always harshly put down with extreme prejudice.

The United Confederation [MAJOR]
Often referred to as the UC, the Confederation is a body composed of representatives from dozens (or hundreds) of Known Worlds. The UC is primarily made up of humans, but all races have a foot hold in the organization. The UC’s job is to regulate laws and trade, keep the peace, and maintain a galactic navy for mutual defense. Like most bureaucracies, the UC is often a slow and muddled mess. Its militaries, however, are first rate, and the fear of pirates and raiders throughout the cosmos.

There are rumors that suggest the top brass of the UC are corrupt. In the past, there have been examples of the UC taking claim of Frontier worlds that were previously inhabited by free folk or non-affiliated factions. The UC’s PR department denies these claims. Generally, the UC is more concerned with the defense of the Known Worlds than it is with the Frontier. Every so often, the borders of the Known Worlds extends a little further; allowing for more of the Frontier to be incorporated with the rest.

Guild Factions 
These are organizations of like-minded individuals who have banded together for common purpose or who share something in common.

Bounty Hunter's Guild [MAJOR]
The Bounty Hunter’s Guild attempts to provide a useful service to the Known Worlds and Frontier while protecting their own (namely the capture of fugitives). By creating a guild for these services, it was an attempt to legitimize bounty hunters rather than have them be viewed as a hive of scum and villainy. A Guild Master with his team is expected to maintain and list bounties for the betterment of the Guild before they hit the streets as common knowledge (essentially giving guild members a head start). All Guild Member pay a fraction of their bounty to the Guild in fees and services. Unwritten rules and laws exist within the Guild in attempts to keep order within the organization (though the guild is full of loose cannons).

The laws of the guild are as follows:

·         No Bounty Is Worth Dying For.

·         People Don’t Have Bounties, Only Acquisitions Have Bounties.

·         Capture By Design; Kill By Necessity.

·         No Hunter Shall Slay Another Hunter.

·         No Hunter Shall Interfere With Another’s Hunt.

·         In The Hunt One Captures Or Kills; Never Both.

·         No Hunter Shall Refuse Aid To Another Hunter.  

A shadowy organization of assassins, spies, and mercenaries... or not? WRAITH is one of the biggest conspiracies on the Black.Net. People view them as the "illumanti"; pulling the strings of various factions, worlds, and governments. Essentially, nut cases claim that WRAITH holds the true power in the Known Worlds and out on the Frontiers. Most people don't view them as real, let alone a true threat.
Corporation Factions
These are factions that are businesses or corporations.

Pronounced "fen-RARE-rah". Fenrera is the most well-known AUW-controlled aeronautics manufacturer. Fenrera is not a particularly large company compared to other aeronautics manufacturers, but is large enough that people recognize the name. Fenrera builds across the entire aeronautics spectrum from planes to starships, manned or unmanned. As is predictable with AUW-designed technologies, the aircraft and spacecraft constructed by Fenrera focuses on durability and longevity before any other design spec.

Therefore, Fenrera's machines are much larger and heavier than its competitors and are typically not as fast or fuel efficient. However, there is no doubt that if you need a workhorse machine for whatever reason, Fenrera is the company you want to go to. While Fenrera has a selection of typical models to cover nearly any task, the company is also willing to custom build a machine for its client if the normal models are not sufficient for the client's needs. Fenrera's logo is a stylized design of an upper body of a wolf in profile holding an empty circle in its claws.

Pronounced "GANE-ihm". Ganim is the top robotics company founded by the AUW. It specializes in robots and drones for the personal use of the various species in the world, but does also produce ship drones or other specialized machinery if the client has those needs. Ganim's flagship product is a quadrupedal robotic pet with highly customizable programming. Ganim also sells attachments for the base model to improve its functionality or allow the robot to perform specialized tasks such as cleaning.

Also like Fenrera, Ganim hires non-discriminately and has a much more diverse employee base than its craft-building counterpart. Ganim prides itself on having an approachable face since they mostly market to residential sectors more than any other, which kind of necessitates the hiring of non-AUW employees that can better think about and empathize with the target demographic for their products. Ganim's logo is a cute wolf face looking straight on; it has a smile on its face and is winking at the viewer with its left eye.

The largest business or corporation in the Known Worlds and the Frontier. JumpCorp has their hands in every facet of business, and we mean every facet. The corporation has grown so large that they more or less count as their own ‘government’ at this point. They continue to seek their expansion; often the first on many new worlds (even if there is no obvious benefit to that world).  Sometimes JumpCorp works in conjunction with other factions and federations (if only to continue to justify their legitimacy as one as well). Most employees with JumpCorp work “all hours” shifts, akin to salary positions, but receive excellent compensation, free housing, and have many of their basic survival needs fulfilled for them. 

Paragon Science Equipment [MAJOR FACTION]
One of the leading manufacturers of science equipment, PSE is generally considered to be middling equipment in a field with a lot of players. Despite this, they have earned a small reputation in the field with the quality of their equipment. The company is extremely private. Some claim it is a shell company for other operations while others dismiss this. Beyond the equipment they produce, PSE is attempting to revolutionize the field by designing new techology and techniques. The company pays very well, but demands employees to live on site and to sign non-disclosure agreements.

Pronounced RUE-fell, this small medical company offers an effective, synthetic anesthetic as their flagship product. The company's headquarters is situated in a non-AUW homeworld, but there are a number of branch offices. Roufel also operates a number of free clinics with services available to those without economic access to other facilities.

While Roufel's R&D offices are staffed with employees of various races, the clinics are staffed almost exclusively by AUW, and there is a rumor that the clinics are used as a testing ground for medicines and procedures developed by Roufel, with the AUW shared knowledge collecting data. But nothing has substantiated these rumors. Its logo is a silhouette of a standing wolf facing to the right, with empty space in the center in the shape of the first-aid cross.

Striff is a small AUW-run software company. It has a contract with Ganim to write all of the software used for its robotics. Striff also operates a fairly successful search engine known as Sol-Circuit to generate additional revenue. Striff only has one office on an AUW colony planet and is run and operated exclusively by AUW employees. The company's logo is a wolf pulling a chariot.

Rather than give each its own entry, here are some notable businesses that are mentioned in the CORE RULEBOOK for LAST PARSEC.

-Eclipse Ballistics: Eclipse specializes in hightech weapons such as lasers. Their slogan is "Lights out. It's an Eclipse."

-Frenip Foods: Few would actually say they love the flavored food pastes Frenip Foods manufactures on a variety of worlds, but they are certainly nutritional, economical, and easy to store and preserve.

-Halo Engineering: Most large orbital space stations at the Known Worlds' core are built by Halo, a very large and respected firm that employs the best and brightest.

-Malik' Ma Motors: Prefabricated factories on a thousand worlds make this land- and hovervehicle maker ubiquitous.

-QuaronCo: This company originated with kalians in the Zeta Pyxis system. They make extremely efficient (and generally very fast) spacecraft and vehicles.

-Rigel Arms: "Guaranteed to shoot straight" is the slogan that made this mid-level arms manufacturer successful on a thousand worlds.

-Saladin's Foundry: An Earth-based company, Saladin's "blademasters" create powered energy weapons and armor "for the modern warrior."

-Tykon Corp: A premium maker of androids, constructs, and synthetic beings. They are also known for their large corporate law team, which advocates on their products’ behalf throughout the various governments of the cosmos.

-ZeniMart: This massive company sells anything and everything (within local legal guidelines). It prides itself on fast, cheap delivery and discounted prices. "Backwater" worlds usually have a ZeniMart Outpost where goods can be ordered and picked up for those without a permanent address. 

The Races

Countless number of species exist, though it is only the lucky ones that get to join the galactic community; ones that have enough resources to invest into the space race and make themselves known far and wide. While it is impossible to go into detail about every single race, there are some that are featured more predominantly in the galaxy thanks to the strong presence that they’ve cultivated. Below in brief detail, I will go over some of the more common species and how they fit into the larger picture of this space opera’s affairs.

Aurax look something like a cross between a humanoid and a terrestrial elephant seal or hippo. Ironically, the burly, six-limbed, four-eyed beings are both ferocious warriors and tender poets. They are renowned for their great feasts where they recite epic tales of wars, comradeship, and love. Aurax bodyguards prefer powered melee weapons, particularly maces and mauls. Fighting and violence are commonplace among them, but killing is considered a last resort.

Aurax evolved on a massive world of rolling hills and great, golden plains called Auran. They are nomads and not a technological people, having been uplifted to space travel by other races, but a rare few are curious and gregarious enough to travel to the stars—something most aurax shun vehemently.

The AUW (pronounced as the acronym, "A-U-W", or colloquially as "Awoo") are a species of large half-robotic canines notable for the pair of heavy mechanical arms grafted to their shoulders. They are a stoic and industrious species, often found in the fields of aeronautics, medicine, and robotics, though scholarly AUW are not unheard of.

The singular term for an AUW is an "instance" and a group is referred to as a "collective". While the AUW do have sex identities, they do not have genitalia or any notable differentiating features between males and females. Using the pronoun "it" to refer to an AUW is considered the polite way to handle social situations where the speaker does not know the sex identity of the instance in question.

A typical AUW is half again the size of the common gray wolf, though is closer in appearance to large domestic canines bred for cold weather with dense fur and a large body structure. Their fur color cycles through various earth tones, with common colors being white, tawny, brown, gray, and black. Patterned fur is not unheard of but is very rarely naturally occurring in the species. In addition to their mechanical arms, an AUW has various robotic parts composed of a unique composite metal. These include partial armor plating, a reinforced skeletal structure, and a counterbalancing weight at the end of their tail. Reinforced claws and jaws are also fairly common, as are robotics to enhance and protect the function of vital organs. Like fur, AUW composite comes in various earth tone colors and tends to contrast against the fur color of the instance. Due to the density of AUW composite and the amount typically found on and in an AUW's larger body, an AUW weighs about three times as much as an earth wolf. 

There are millions of constructs throughout the Known Worlds, from battle droids to pleasure bots to miners designed to work in conditions organic beings couldn’t hope to survive. The vast majority of constructs have no self-will and are true robots. They follow instructions from their sentient owners and masters, or conduct themselves according to artificial intelligence programmed with a specific purpose in mind. Some constructs have free will and even emotional simulators. Most struggle with these advanced concepts, though some show it more than others.

Constructs designed to look like humans are generally called androids. Those that are obviously machines are robots. Throughout the Known Worlds, it is expected that constructs are property that must be licensed and registered with the authorities, and their owners are legally responsible for their actions. It is illegal to build a robot without protective ‘Asimov’ programming against harming sentient beings.

Parasteen, more commonly called ‘deaders’ by other races, are six-inch long parasites that occupy and animate organic corpses. They do this by connecting with the nervous system and reactivating the electrical systems to the various organs and muscles. The host’s form is then sealed inside an air-tight suit and constantly pumped with chemicals to preserve it.

Deaders call their body donors ‘celebrants,’ organic beings who sold the rights to their corpse before death for lucrative fees. Some see this as taking advantage of those in need—most see it as a perfectly viable business transaction. Parasteen can occupy most any organic being, but humanoids are most common due to their particular nervous system and body chemistry. Even then, a deader’s movement is always slow and clumsy.

Parasteen are intelligent, sentient beings, and become even more so once they tap into their host’s brain for additional storage and processing power. They are emotionally remote, however. They don’t understand the pleasure and pain of most other beings, though many strive constantly to do so. Because of their intelligence and emotional detachment, they are highly prized as science officers.

The Known Worlds’ sentient plant-based life forms are called florans, though those from particular worlds prefer other monikers instead. Florans encompass a variety of separately evolved species, ranging from sentient succulents to moss-like swamp dwellers. All free-moving plant creatures like florans still rely upon the three primary components of photosynthesis to survive: sunlight, water, and soil nutrients. Civilized florans enjoy ample fresh water and consume their nutrients in pill form.

For sunlight, each floran requires regular exposure to the spectrum of its native star, which can vary widely from the infrared to ultraviolet and beyond. While they prefer natural sunlight, suitable lamps are common and effective. Most florans reproduce through seed creation, germination, and growth; some sprouts emerge with instinctive intelligence, while others must be nurtured to maturity. Many florans view agriculture practiced by other intelligent races suspiciously, even disapprovingly, preferring worlds where the native flora grows lush and wild.

By far the most ubiquitous race among the Known Worlds is humanity. All humans trace their genetic origins to Earth, though many consider their home world to be one of the hundreds of colony planets seeded by slower-than-light spacecraft from Earth many millennia ago. Those humans born on heavy gravity worlds may be stronger and more stout, while those from low- or zero-gravity environments are slight and thin, but their physiology—and foibles, it seems—are otherwise universal.

Humans are an adaptable and varied species, with stereotypes based more on specific planetary or national origin than race. Some humans are considered barbaric and warlike because they come from war-torn worlds, while others are seen as academics if they come from some well-known bastions of peace and learning. Like all stereotypes, individuals vary, of course.

Humanoid is an all-encompassing term in the Known Worlds that includes humans and many other independently evolved bipedal beings of similar size and basic physiology. All humans are humanoids, but not all humanoids are humans.

One of the most varied and widespread racial groups in the Known Worlds are collectively called the insectoids. In fact, insectoids are many different races that evolved on different worlds who share two primary defining characteristics: exoskeletons and self-aware intelligence. When categorized by humans, they are often compared in appearance to terrestrial insects, from mantises to beetles to ants, though they have no genetic connection or shared behavior with any of these. Some insectoids are very large, strong, and well armored, some are frail, and some seem to have psychic links to others of their kind.

Other races often find insectoids strange or off-putting. Sometimes it’s because of their diets—some consume other, non-sentient insects, sometimes alive, while others consume only carrion. Some also lack typical vocal cords and can only communicate via arcane clicks or hand motions.

Few would deny that Kalians are the most hot-headed of the known humanoid races. They originate from a single planet that human explorers named Kali, after the four-armed Hindu goddess of destruction. Kalians grudgingly accept this outwardly imposed name when dealing with other races, but use a variety of other planetary and national names among themselves.

Kalian brains think very quickly, an adaptation stimulated on their primitive home world by their four agile limbs and the need to fend off numerous speedy predators. They make excellent swordsmen and marksmen, overwhelming foes with a flurry of attacks that few other species can hope to match. Kalians are technologically proficient, having mastered hyperspace travel almost simultaneously with humans; they prefer weapons and equipment of their own design and manufacture.

The Khazrak are believed to be descended from prehistoric humans who were taken from Earth by an unknown alien species (many theories exist, though the prevalent ones suggest it was the Primordials) and brought to another world to commit psionic experimentation on. On their planet of Khaz, life is difficult. There is less water and fertile soil on it compared to Earth, so sustenance came in the form of predatory hunting.

The Khazrak tell tales of how three heroes (a male and female pair of twins and their mother) overthrew and killed the race that overlooked them. The planet and its inhabitants are in constant competition and the hierarchy structures are divided into tribes (nomadic villages), clans (extended bloodlines and multi-tribe alliance), and bands (small groups of individuals who don't figure into the previous two groups).

Recently in their history, the Rakashans made contact with them in hopes of subjugating them. When their initial scouting party was wiped out, the Rakashans returned in full force in their typical blitzkrieg style. A Khazrak woman (later known as the Matriarch), through her powerful precognition, saw this force coming and before it arrived, united the resources of her people and used the 'dead' technology left behind by the Primordials to fend off the Rakashan invasion by turning their weapons against them.

After being utterly defeated there, the Rakashans decided Khaz was more trouble than it was worth; leaving them be (though spreading tales of the Khazrak's savageness, claiming that they should be wiped from the galactic community due to their barbarism). The Khazrak took the wrecked Rakashans ships and modified them to allow the Khazrak access to the Known Worlds and Frontier.

The Matriarch is limiting members of her race from leaving the planet en masse; fearful of colonization and possible war. For now, she is sending representatives of their race, "the clanless", to act as ambassadors for her people in hopes of developing fruitful relationships and learning all they can of the galactic community before making a decision in how to act.

A number of worlds have given rise to intelligent predator species. Humans call them rakashans, because of their shared feline appearance or mannerisms, after the cat-like humanoids of legend from Earth. Most live up to their heritage, being fierce and cruel opponents in battle. In their prime, they are strong, agile, and cunning. Their militaries are usually ruled by the strongest of the pride and are relentless and terrible in warfare. Their armies consist of fearsome, independent, self-reliant, and highly motivated warriors.

In the Known Worlds, the most prominent rakashan civilization is the Tazanian Empire, a large, powerful, and extremely efficient dominion with thousands of conquered planets. Subject populations toil beneath the lash of local governors and warlords, surrendering vast wealth and materials that keep the Empire vital and its space fleets strong. Rebellions are common but most often brutally suppressed. While most space-faring rakashans are omnivores, at heart they embrace their carnivorous roots; they have numerous hunting planets, and on some the sentience of the prey is simply not a consideration.

Reptilian-looking creatures are referred to as saurians. They come in many shapes, sizes, and colors—from camouflaged brown or grey to brilliant orange and violet—though each species is separately evolved from a variety of worlds. Some even have the chameleon-like ability to change skin color. Most have spines and tails of some sort, and a few can regenerate and grow new limbs should misfortune deprive them of one. All are cold-blooded, reliant upon external heat sources to maintain optimum body temperature, and become much more lethargic on cold planets or the typically frigid halls of space stations and ships.

Saurians are not slow witted, as one might expect; when properly stimulated and warmed they can be as intellectually adept as any humanoid. Most reproduce by laying eggs, often in clutches, which they vigorously hide and protect.

The so-called ‘elves’ come from a lush, green world they call Serra, originally colonized by a slower-than-light ship launched from Earth. The unique civilization that spawned there flourished there independently until re-connected to the wider human community by hyperspace-capable explorers just three centuries ago. Serrans are humans, genetically identical to their terrestrial brethren, and any physiological differences are due only to more than 200 generations on an alien world.

All Serrans have at least some latent psychic ability. Most have developed much stronger abilities, such as precognition, telepathy, or even pyrokinesis. Their psychic talents are rooted in meditative mysticism, and accepted practices dictate that such powers be used altruistically rather than selfishly. Dishonesty is a difficult concept for most Serrans, since telepathy has rendered it ineffective in their own civilization for many centuries; those exposed to dishonesty find it useless and baffling.

The Eekaa (called Simians by most races, including humans) are a small race of aliens hailing from the planet Kilekteeana. Their resemblence to Earth's primates makes them familiar and relatively unthreatening to the human race, which has aided in their development of friendly relations.

Eekaa look reminiscent of the monkeys of earth, with a few significant evolutionary differences.  First and foremost, they have gained sentience, and their heads are larger to compensate.  Their bodies are also larger, but typically never more than 4 feet tall.  Their fur, though it can be a 'normal' brownish shade, can range also range into the green and yellow shades.  It also covers less of their bodies; the lower arms, legs, tail, and nose, leaving most of their face and torso uncovered.  They stoop less than lesser primates, and they possess the ability to communicate through voice and facial expressions.

Yetis are enormous, fur-covered humanoids who evolved on a world of perpetually recurring ice ages. The yetis themselves have only a vague idea what the Earth term ‘yeti’ actually means, and they bristle at that moniker, preferring their own racial name K’ho (which many humans think sounds more like a cough than a word). Regardless, yetis joyously embrace the interstellar community of the Known Worlds, so much so that they have virtually depopulated their home world, shunning its harsh rigors to spread out among the stars.

Yetis are often seen as gruff warriors, but just like any other race breed scholars, academicians, and other sophists. They tend to be eager and enthusiastic, willing students of new experiences and pleasures. Yetis are fascinated by technology but aren’t typically as adept with it as most others. Their digits aren’t well-suited to keyboards or touch screens (which they break with alarming frequency).


This is a blog for my latest campaign: "Lazy DM Presents - The Last Parsec". We are utilizing the Savage Worlds roleplaying system and the setting will be loosely based on The Last Parsec setting.

The blog will be a primary means of communication from me to my players, provide important setting information, and recap us on played sessions.

We are currently full at 7 Players and 1 GM, though I will consider new players on a case-by-case basis if there is additional interest.

The Last Parsec is primarily a Sci-Fi, Far Future setting that deals with the exploration of undiscovered worlds. The players will operate in a crew that seeks to pursue their own personal (as well as group related) goals while discovering and unraveling various conspiracies.

More information will be provided as it is completed.

Should you have any questions regarding the game, please contact me!
