This entry will be utilized for providing terms and definitions that you'll likely see in the campaign. I'll also try to touch on explanations, so as to form a common knowledge base for ourselves and for your characters.
Definitions might change as I learn more about The Last Parsec and running a sci-fi game in general. I live for rule of cool, good storytelling, dramatic stuff. I generally want this to be a "hard science" campaign, but I was never any good at science. So, be flexible with me!
Faster Than Light; Hyperspace Jumping: To join the community of the Known Worlds, a species needed to have mastered Faster Than Light travel in one manner or another. Some developed it on their own while others utilized other species to get there. To go Faster Than Light, a ship needs a "hyperdrive" to jump from Place A to Place B. A hyperdrive allows a vessel to venture into extradimesional pathways between points in ways that avoid hindrances (asteroid fields, gravity wells, black holes, planetary bodies, etc.) that could interfere with the jump. Astronavigation skills are needed in order to plot a jump correctly.
Beacon coordinates are needed in order to perform a jump safely. Jumping blindly is a dangerous prospect and takes significantly longer time to reach the destination than jumping safely.
Psionics: A normally untapped potential lurks in the minds of everyone. Certain species are gifted with the 'third eye' while others utilize cybernetics, chemicals, or other methods to draw out the potential of psionics from within. Psionics is a term that is used to encompass unique abilities like telepathy, telekinesis, and many others. In some cultures, psions are revered as Gods or Shamans while in others they're hunted down to near extinction. Psionics are just as dangerous as even the most advanced tech out there.
Walkers: Another term for 'Mech', a Walker is typically an automated or piloted machine of labor or destruction. Walkers typically tower over buildings, though the size can range by design. Walkers come in all shapes and sizes; from ones built to look like animals, humans, or stranger more alien things. Humanoid-shape Walkers are some of the most common for pilots to use since its easier to wrap their brains around the operations of it. Walkers are utilized in land, air, sea, and space combat when appropriate. Walkers are typically found in militaries, though lucky pirates and mercenaries get their hands on them.
Weird Science: Although not an officially recognized term, Weird Science is the term utilized for technology that can't be easily explained. When asked how a device works, most weird scientists shrug and reply that it 'just does'. Some people theorize that all Weird Science device draws on some ancient alien technology or universe wide unknown power source. Weird Science is typically a learned skill or trait, though in certain cases it can be inherited or discovered. There are many unexplained phenomenons out there and Weird Science is one of them.
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