Saturday, September 12, 2015

Session 3 - Psyche, Just Joking About That Alien

  • The crew, seeking out to repair the ship's core systems and the AI memory banks, encountered a xeno equipped with claws, a barbed stinger tail, acidic blood, and vicious fangs. It was not alone; reinforced with "spider spiders" that sought to leap on faces and lay eggs down people's throats with their tails.
    • Shots were fired. Daggers and fists were swung. Through some thought process and testing, it was discovered that the xenos were realistic holograms created by the ship's AI through; preying on the group's fears via a horror simulation based off of recorded video from the last events that the ship experienced. 
    • The holograms were disrupted through Nikki's hacking distractions to the AI.
    • Vela had a hard time believing that the 'lie' was not real, but when the holograms disappeared, she reluctantly believed it.
    • At that point, the doc, the mechanic, and the captain got to repairing the ship. 
    • With the ship repaired, the group could move on...
  • The AI came back to life and introduced herself as Tamit. It seemed her memory was corrupt and that she could not recall what happened to R or the last events that took place on the ship. She was upset at the disappearance of her creator, as was most of the party.
    • The group settled in to watch R's video will. 
    • The video will seemed to be an AI or program that R created with pre-recorded responses. It can be accessed by the crew at any time. When asked a question, it will provide the answer that best matches. If it cannot find an answer, it asks for additional information. Answers aren't always direct when answering questions since its covering broader topics than specifics (aside from specifics that R. predicted would be asked).
    • R claimed that the group was entitled to some monetary compensation, some supplies, and the ship itself; all of it to be divided evenly and fairly among the group.
    • R claimed that the ship itself as well as Tamit (the ship's AI) were made from terran technology and coding, but then modified and upgraded through alien tech that she discovered on her journey; making certain aspects unpredictable. The holograms are a part of this for example; allowing Tamit to use psionic residue to tap into a subject's mind and make holograms seem more real through sensory inputs.
    • Due to R's secretive and paranoid nature, Tamit's memory is unpredictable; designed to store information and flush itself leading to memory losses. R is protective of her information and research; thinking that people are after her for it.
    • R does not have information regarding her disappearance or the last events that lead up to it. R claimed to have vague enemies (some people within the UC, some pirate crews, some xeno species), but she couldn't specify a name for the group to pursue. R. believes that her disappearance likely ties into her research regarding the Primordials. 
    • R claimed to have predicted that Remek would rescue Nikki and that she would join the crew. R seemed familiar with Nikki, despite having never met with each other.
    • Allei believed that this all seemed to be some elaborate test or plan by R; that the right questions would provoke a clear path and take them to R. If true, these questions elude the group.
  • The group decided to check their personal e-mails for a message directly to them from R. The group then would take a 30 minute break to get a snack, explore the ship, or do anything else. Then they planned on meeting back up for a group discussion. 
    •  Remek helped repair Tamit's android body. Nikki was present, though sought out food.
    • Crow claimed his old bunk and had a discussion with Vela (after Vela had got food herself).
    • AUW familiarized himself with the medical bay.
    • Allei explored the captain's bunk.
  • The group had their small meeting...
    • Introductions were made, backgrounds were shared, and it seemed unanimous that Allei would take on the role of Captain. Tamit could act as the pilot. Nikki the computer expert. Remek the mechanic. AUW the doctor. Vela and Crow as muscle. 
    • The former captain's PDA suggested that R was heading to Eris Beta V next to meet a contact. The group ultimately decided that they would start in that system...
  • The party find that R. had left the following for them...
    • $1,000 Credits to each PC.
    • $1,000 Credits to a Ship Bank.
    • Survival Pack to each PC. Includes the following...
      All-weather jumpsuit, binoculars, commlink, energy sheet, first aid kit (basic supplies for 10 Healing rolls), flashlight (10” beam), language translator, lifejacket, medi-gel, 15× nutri-bars (food for 1 person for 5 days), rope (10”), rebreather, shaded goggles, small sensor suite, tool kit, 6 quarts water (supports 1 person for 3 days), water purification filter, waterproof matches (box of 50).

      **NOTE: If you already have one of these items, please reimburse yourself the credits for the item you already own.**
    • Spacesuit [Armor] to each PC...
      This is a typical airtight spacesuit made of flexible fabric with air and heat. It provides +1 Armor, and includes a helm with a two-way radio (50 mile range) and Heads Up Display (HUD) to display atmospheric composition or incoming messages. Canisters for the suits contain eight hours of oxygen, and an integral headlamp provides powerful illumination. Spacesuits provide complete protection against cold and vacuum, and are shielded against radiation (+4 to resistance rolls versus more intense sources). If the wearer suffers a wound in a vacuum, he must apply an adhesive patch (see page 14) as an action If he doesn’t, he suffers depressurization (see Vacuum, page 26) the following round. The suit contains a small thruster system that allows the wearer to maneuver in zero-gravity for up to eight hours.

      **NOTE: A spacesuit cannot be worn with armor. If you want a more defensive space suit, invest in a Combat Spacesuit later on.**

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