- Groid's Fleet: Each ship that has sworn in service to Groid's Raider is listed.
- Raider Deployment: Key members of Groid's organizations are named and there are locations of their current deployment.
- Groid had several secret bases within the Kallisti Reach. Although the bases are named, their locations are not explicitly mentioned. With a map of this subsector and a knowledgeable astronavgiator, the coordinates of these locations might be able to be discovered based on the intel provided.
- Supply Manifest: This details the amount of weapons and supplies Groid has amassed from pirating. This includes stolen goods and goods purchased to perform their pirating.
- Insider Intelligence: Ujun, the club owner on Harmonia Station, appears to provide insider information to Groid and his raiders on cargo shipments and JumpSec troop movements throughout this subsector.
- It is possible that Ujun has connections to WRAITH as well.
- It is unclear how Groid knows WRAITH. It is possible that WRAITH put them up to this JumpSec ambush and Goldpoint Station plan.
- JumpSec received information that Groid's Raiders were planning to attack Goldpoint in force just as ore storage reached its monthly peak; forcing JumpCorp to lose billions.
- The location of Groid's Rock was purposefully leaked to JumpSec.
- The rumors of the attack on Gold Point were false; planted by Groid's ally on Harmonia Station (the owner of the Kallisti Apple, Ujun).
- Groid had amassed his pirate fleet near Groid's Rock; hoping to ambush JumpCorp vessels that came to investigate. Groid was expecting a fleet on fleet battle, not two ships sneaking past.
Monday, May 30, 2016
The following information has been summarized from the intelligence gather from Groid's hard drive.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
A skill kit is a collection of skills. The idea behind skill kits is
to make it so that you can have a wide variety of skills that fit within
a collective theme.
- CHARACTER CREATION: These options are added to the character creation section.
- You can spend two skill points to raise a SKILL KIT by one die type.
- ADVANCEMENT: These options are added to the advancement section.
- You can increase any SKILL KIT that is lower than the trait(s) it is linked to.
- You can increase any SKILL KIT by one die type.*
- *You can only choose this option once per Rank.
6/9/2016 UPDATE:
Allei: Face Changer Cyberware
AUW-4Mdhfp: Combat Specialty Cyberware, Melee Weapon Cyberware, Gravitic Acclimation Footwear
Crow: Atmospheric Acclimation Chestwear, Fighting Gloves
Nikki: Groid's Hot Rod
Remek: Armor Cyberware
Tamit: Flight Robotic Modification, Size Increase Robotic Modification, Wall Walker Robotic Modification, Pleasure Bot
Vela: Energy Skin Armor, Groid's Sword, Two Energy Weapons, Grenades
The Last Parsec: Torpedo Tubes
Unclaimed: Adrenal Surge Cyberware, Repair Bot
- $5,000 worth of salvaged parts. [$625 EACH, INCLUDING PARTY FUNDS]
- 2 Plasma Pistols. [Nikki and Allei]
- 2 Cred-Sticks with $2,500 each.[$625 EACH, INCLUDING PARTY FUNDS]
- 1 Hard-Drive. [PARTY]
- Combat Specialty Cyberware (EXTRACTION EDGE) [UNCLAIMED, WORTH $5,000]
- Armor Cyberware [UNCLAIMED, WORTH $3,000]
- GROID'S ROCK [TBD - You need to find someone to negotiate with and sell it.]
- GROID'S LIQUIDATED ASSETS [TBD - You need to find someone to negotiate with and sell it.]
- There are enough weapons/armors laying around that you should be able to find what you're looking for -- but you have to run it by me first to see if its available. No UltraTech.
- Groid's Ceremonial Auraxian Sword (Str+d10 damage)
- These boots and leggings are designed to acclimate the wearer to any gravitic situation.
- This FOOT SLOT item grant the wearer the GRAVITIC ACCLIMATION EDGE (PG 12, SCI-FI).
- This undershirt is designed to stimulate breathing techniques for the wearer that allows them to breathe normally in thin and dense atmospheric conditions.
- This CHEST SLOT item grants the wearer the ATMOSPHERIC ACCLIMATION EDGE (PG 12, SCI-FI).
- These gloves instill the wearer with the knowledge of kung-fu.
- This HAND SLOT item grants the wearer the MARTIAL ARTIST EDGE (PG 36, CORE).
6/9/2016 UPDATE:
Allei: Face Changer Cyberware
AUW-4Mdhfp: Combat Specialty Cyberware, Melee Weapon Cyberware, Gravitic Acclimation Footwear
Crow: Atmospheric Acclimation Chestwear, Fighting Gloves
Nikki: Groid's Hot Rod
Remek: Armor Cyberware
Tamit: Flight Robotic Modification, Size Increase Robotic Modification, Wall Walker Robotic Modification, Pleasure Bot
Vela: Energy Skin Armor, Groid's Sword, Two Energy Weapons, Grenades
The Last Parsec: Torpedo Tubes
Unclaimed: Adrenal Surge Cyberware, Repair Bot
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Session 25 - Raid on Groid's Rock (Part 5)
- The battle with Groid continued...
- With his escape defeated, he overcame the stun-charge AUW had sent for him. He tested his will and might against Vela and AUW, but was found lacking.
- Crow shot a pirate attempting to harm Tamit, but she was the one to finish it off in a gruesome display: a flamethrower down the man's throat.
- A pirate had closed the doors to cut off access from three of the party, but Nikki's drone Kuma and Remek were able to get the doors open. Remek even killed the pirate responsible for it!
- Vela unleashed a devastating display of swordsmanship of Groid--leaving him with severe wounds and an opening that Allei took advantage of; sliding forward into danger and firing off dual wielded plasma pistols which took Groid down.
- In critical condition and near death, AUW opted to perform emergency triage to save the pirate captain so that they could bring him back alive.
- However, there was the matter of the ticking self-destruct sequence...
- Vela reached deep down into the man of Groid and with her psionic capabilities, wrested the emergency override command from his mind.
- Nikki, through Kuma, was then able to input the password in order to save Groid's Rock from self-destruction.
- AUW also ensured that Crow's wound, given to him by WRAITH, was taken care of.
- In the fallout...
- The WRAITH soldiers were able to escape.
- The remainder of Groid's pirates and fleet fled the immediate area of this subsector.
- The pirate prisoner the group had left chained had been assassinated by WRAITH.
- Nikki collected the others on the Rock; bringing them victory smoothies.
- Groid was escorted on board. He would ultimately be delivered to Captain Reiner, the leader of the Starblazer and their Jump-Sec team.
- Vela and Crow attempted to interrogate Groid before, but his mind seemed resistant to the psionic diving this time around and he was in too critical condition for a standard interrogation. This would frustrate Crow as he would be left with questions unanswered concerning WRAITH.
- Vela had to borrow some of the psionic pills that AUW and his company are testing.
- The group saw the carnage out in space; several of Groid's attack ships seemed to have been decimated by some type of weapon that pierced through their halls and tore their ships into two with ease.
- The group would later question Nikki about this, but for the time being, the nature of the weapon was not revealed to the group except Tamit, who, while not having a full idea of the picture, seemed to understood enough about the leviathan.
- With Groid turned over to JumpSec, the group met for a debriefing...
- Allei revealed that the harddrive recovered from Groid had a lot of useful information, but a cursory inspection did not reveal anything that might link to WRAITH.
- Allei wanted more information on the weapon Nikki utilized in the space battle, but for now, it remained unanswered.
- Allei suggested the group leave this subsector awhile, after resupplying at Harmonia Station, in hopes that the dust will settle from their recent events.
- AUW agreed; as he was interested in doing more exploration of the Frontier.
- Crow, rather than leave the strange situation with WRAITH under-wraps, decided to share a tale about himself.
- The soldier that attacked and left Crow for dead was, in fact, his little sister named Lisa. As a child, Crow and Lisa were on the home planet of the RANGERS, a law enforcement agency that stretched out far into the Known Worlds and the Frontier. His father, KANE LOHNAGAN was a well known RANGER, who died defending his family the night WRAITH attacked the RANGERS home world.
- WRAITH killed Crow's parents. He had managed to escape with the help of R., but his little sister had been left for dead. Little did he know, Lisa was taken by WRAITH and turned into an operative for their organization.
- It is believed that R. had information regarding Lisa's recent whereabouts, which might have put her in WRAITH's watch. After sharing this intel with CROW, Allei theorized that R. faked her own death and went into hiding for the time being.
- The hat Nikki had acquired from CLINT belonged to Crow's dead. Nikki opted to give it back to Crow, who with some hesitation, took it.
- CROW has seen the face of one of WRAITH'S leaders, and as such, could identify him to the organization.
- During this revelation, Crow also took offense to Tamit's earlier brutal execution style. He said that the group had to be better than that, they were the good guys on the side of the law after all. Tamit rebutted that she killed the man in the most efficient and painless way possible for him, but Crow was still worried about how such vicious tactics would be perceived by the public.
- With the revelation that Crow was a ranger, and with Groid successfully captured (though there was worry that he would never make it to the icy planet of LETHE where JUMPSEC keeps their maximum security prison---killed at WRAITH''s whims), the group has a moment to breathe.
- Next time, they can rest up, discuss more about recent events, and make a plan going forward...
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Session 24 - Raid on Groid's Rock (Part 4)
- It was time for the showdown with Groid...
- Crow utilized his Voidsmen Artifact to induce phasing on himself; allowing him to take the storage utility lift and scout the immediate area above. He eventually found Groid; alerting the group to his location while maintaining eyes on him.
- Crow also had the bad luck of running into a WRAITH soldier who specialized in stealth armed with a gyrojet rifle.
- She was capable of phasing as well and fought him on the incorporeal plane; disarming him of his rifle.
- The two had a small exchange--it seems that the two of them know each other.
- Tamit utilized her Voidsmen Artifact to burrow into the upper north west of the storage bay. There, she was forced to engage a small group of pirates. By herself, she was able to kill half a dozen pirates with her boomer rounds; destroying a catwalk in the process. She ended up in a prime position to either push the attack on Groid, or support the group against WRAITH.
- Remek had decided to take the vent shafts; sending a suicide drone (strapped with rockets) down to one of the rooms. The explosion killed several pirates, and kept several other busy investigation it--along with a potential WRAITH soldier armed with a scout suit power armor and a plasma rifle.
- In the mean time, Remek decided to support the main party; utilizing numerous buff, summons (Yumi), and SMG overcharge flurries.
- The main group consisting of Vela, Allei, AUW, and Kuma (Nikki's Drone) breached through the main entrance where pirates immediately engaged them in fire.
- Vela's teleporting voidsmen artifact along with her natural psionic enhancements allowed her to cut through numerous pirates.
- Allei came in dual wielding plasma pistols and was able to score a couple kills herself as she assessed the layout for the floor and began making tactical plans.
- AUW decided to be dutiful bodyguard and doctor; keeping Allei safe from harm while healing Vela as she took damage.
- Nikki's drone provided cover-fire with its dual SMGs.
- Pirates and elite pirates alike engaged with the group; scoring a few shakens and wounds, but they were clearly outmatched in terms of fire power. Luckily, Groid had apparently been in a meeting, or finishing up something with numerous WRAITH soldiers. The WRAITH soldiers were meandering about to assess the group, but when one of them, a woman in power armor with laser katanas was attacked by the group, the WRAITH soldiers decided to engage.
- Groid himself challenged the group, but did not engage immediately; instead, going to a business deck and manipulating something there.
- One of the WRAITH soldiers in assault power armor and armed with a molecular chainsaw cut a hole through a wall and charged to assess with his fellow soldier who was ambushed.
- Outside, the fight continues to look dire between the Starblazer and the Last Parsec versus Groid's Fleet as it appears he kept more ships in reserve than the initial assessment suggested.
- Nikki was able to engage in cyberwarfare to keep several ships busy, but it looks to grow more and more dire. In desperation, she began scanning the Parsec for hidden weapons...
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Session 23 - Raid on Groid's Rock (Part 3)
- The crew of the Last Parsec battled with Groid's hackers, drones, and warbots.
- During the battle, AUW was able to sustain himself against a heavy amount of fire while Tamit was incapacitated at one part (though with no lasting damage thanks to Remek's repairs after the fight).
- Crow and Vela also sustained wounds, while Nikki's drone was incapacitated.
- The group overcame the odds though; taking down three warbots and a dozen drones along with their two pilots.
- No prisoners were taken...
- However, one of the hackers had attempted to slag their drive. Allei was able to recover it in time.
- An open computer console allowed the computer to get a thorough understanding of Groid's Rock. With it, they were able to determine that...
- Groid was currently held up in a storage area that was off-the-grid. To get to it, the group would either have to take a special, secret cargo lift, or go up a secret, special staircase.
- There was also the potential and danger to take a vent shaft into the area.
- There were no cameras in the area, but Groid and his skeleton crew were seen entering it along with camo-cloaked mysterious benefactors.
- Outside, the crew of the Starblazer and Nikki piloting the Last Parsec were in dire trouble...
- They had managed to fend off a group of Groid's fighters acting as scouts, but three vessels began to engage them; out-numbered and in trouble, your allies attempted to hang on until you could complete the mission.
- The group split up and decided to hit Groid from all angles--hoping to not draw the ire of the mysterious benefactors who were believed to be from the organization known as WRAITH.
- The group received the following lot...
- $5,000 worth of salvaged parts.
- 2 Plasma Pistols.
- 2 Cred-Sticks with $2,500 each.
- 1 Hard-Drive.
- Combat Specialty Cyberware
- Armor Cyberware
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