Saturday, May 14, 2016

Session 24 - Raid on Groid's Rock (Part 4)

  • It was time for the showdown with Groid...
    • Crow utilized his Voidsmen Artifact to induce phasing on himself; allowing him to take the storage utility lift and scout the immediate area above. He eventually found Groid; alerting the group to his location while maintaining eyes on him. 
      • Crow also had the bad luck of running into a WRAITH soldier who specialized in stealth armed with a gyrojet rifle. 
      • She was capable of phasing as well and fought him on the incorporeal plane; disarming him of his rifle.
      • The two had a small exchange--it seems that the two of them know each other.
    • Tamit utilized her Voidsmen Artifact to burrow into the upper north west of the storage bay. There, she was forced to engage a small group of pirates. By herself, she was able to kill half a dozen pirates with her boomer rounds; destroying a catwalk in the process. She ended up in a prime position to either push the attack on Groid, or support the group against WRAITH.
    • Remek had decided to take the vent shafts; sending a suicide drone (strapped with rockets) down to one of the rooms. The explosion killed several pirates, and kept several other busy investigation it--along with a potential WRAITH soldier armed with a scout suit power armor and a plasma rifle.
      • In the mean time, Remek decided to support the main party; utilizing numerous buff, summons (Yumi), and SMG overcharge flurries.
    • The main group consisting of Vela, Allei, AUW, and Kuma (Nikki's Drone) breached through the main entrance where pirates immediately engaged them in fire.
      • Vela's teleporting voidsmen artifact along with her natural psionic enhancements allowed her to cut through numerous pirates.
      • Allei came in dual wielding plasma pistols and was able to score a couple kills herself as she assessed the layout for the floor and began making tactical plans.
      • AUW decided to be dutiful bodyguard and doctor; keeping Allei safe from harm while healing Vela as she took damage. 
      • Nikki's drone provided cover-fire with its dual SMGs.
  •  Pirates and elite pirates alike engaged with the group; scoring a few shakens and wounds, but they were clearly outmatched in terms of fire power. Luckily, Groid had apparently been in a meeting, or finishing up something with numerous WRAITH soldiers. The WRAITH soldiers were meandering about to assess the group, but when one of them, a woman in power armor with laser katanas was attacked by the group, the WRAITH soldiers decided to engage.
    • Groid himself challenged the group, but did not engage immediately; instead, going to a business deck and manipulating something there.
    • One of the WRAITH soldiers in assault power armor and armed with a molecular chainsaw cut a hole through a wall and charged to assess with his fellow soldier who was ambushed. 
  • Outside, the fight continues to look dire between the Starblazer and the Last Parsec versus Groid's Fleet as it appears he kept more ships in reserve than the initial assessment suggested. 
    • Nikki was able to engage in cyberwarfare to keep several ships busy, but it looks to grow more and more dire. In desperation, she began scanning the Parsec for hidden weapons...

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