Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Custom Items

Hi everybody!

I try to be flexible and accommodating to my players in all games. This includes all aspects of the game - edges, powers, and what not. If you feel like your character should be able to do something, or you want them to be able to do something, and its not somehow covered in the existing ruleset for Savage Worlds -- well that's what homebrew is for.

With that in mind, I try to keep all my resources and creations on this blog as it maintains a record of it (presuming Blogger never goes down). I'm going to use this blog post to list some custom items I and others have worked on for Savage Worlds.


Basically, one of the things I've been looking at lately is Power Armor, Walkers, and more because those are all interesting concepts to me and we're getting to the point in the campaign where they may begin to open up for the PCs.

The first concept is a "Super Heavy" power armor -- so a bigger power armor than the ones listed in the book.Several of my players brainstormed this one.

Power Armor - Super Heavy: Size: 4 | Armor: +14 | Mods: 14 | Pace: 8 | Weight: 400 | Cost: 4M
7/14 Mods
 Weapon Mount (2) - 5k x 2 = $10k
Medium Vehicular Laser (2) - 500K
Targeting System (1) - $20k
Propulsion Jets (1) - $5k
Sensor Suite (1) - $5k
Anti-Personal System (1) - $5k
Total Cost - 4.545M

Next, we have a "Very Light" Walker - basically a smaller version of the smallest Walker listed in the book. A player of mine and I brainstormed this.

Chassis: Very Light
Size: 4
Pace: 30
Strength: d12+2
Toughness: 15 (4)
Mods: 9/15
Crew: 1
Base Cost: $500k
AMCM (1): $5k x 4 = $20k
Deflector Screens (2): $10k x 4 = $40k
Jump Jets (2): $100k x 4 = $400k
Dual linked Medium Laser (2): $500k x 2 = $1M
Targeting System (1): $10K x 4 = $40k
Sensor Suite (1): $50k
Total Cost: $2.05Mm

Next up, I played around with the sizes again -- this time a Size 3 walker.

Chassis: Very Very Light
Size: 3
Pace: 10/30
Strength: d12+1
Toughness: 16 (5)
Mods: 9/10
Crew: 1
Base Cost: $375,000

JumpJets (1): 100,000 x3 = $300,000
Shields (1): 50,000 x3 = $150,000
Targeting System (1): 10,000 x3 = $30,000
Sensor Suite (1): $50,000
Deflector Screens (2): $10,000 x3 = $30,000
Dual Linked Light Lasers (1): $100,000 x2 = $200,000
[1] Armor (1): 10,000 x3 = 30,000 [factored in to above stats]
[1] Reinforce Frame (1): 10,000 x3 = 30,000 [factored in to above stats]

TOTAL COST (W/MODS): $1,195,000

This last one is a credit to one of my players who came up with it on their own - its an attempt on a similar concept, but on a downscale level so that it functions like 'regular armor' instead of Power Armor.

- Armor: +4/+8 vs. Ranged Attacks, Negates up to 4 points of AP from ballistic Weapons.
- Toughness: +4
- Parry: +2
- Weapon: 50/100/200 Range, Ballistic, 2d10 Damage, AP 4, RoF 1, HW
- Raises Shooting by 2 Ranks
- +2 Shooting, Additional +2 against Medium, Long, and Extreme Range targets.
- +2 Notice
- 50x Magnification, Thermal Vision, Low-Light Vision. Additional +2 to Sight-Based Notice. Eliminates illumination penalties.
- +2 Pace, increase Running die by one step.
- Raises Climb by 1 rank, Can climb any surface with no penalty
Total Cost: 110,000 Credits.

That's it for now, but expect more down the line!

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