Session 30 - Night's Conclusion
- Remek...
- The engineer managed to give his tails the slip by ditching the two PSE spies with some Weird Science and quick thinking.
- He escorted his date to her hotel where she kissed him good night - thanking him for an exciting night and desiring to see him again.
- She let the standing offer to visit her on Leviathan remain.
- On the ship...
- With the bounty hunter (Crow) having finished his security work, he opted to return to the Last Parsec where he ran into Nikki.
- CLINT had been trying to relate to Nikki about her 'family' issues, but the situation seemed above his pay grade. He did talk about R briefly - how she had a 'game' figured out before the first move was made. CLINT shared that R likely had an interest in the research being done at Paragon Science Equipment, and in Nikki.
- Nikki and Crow met on the Last Parsec - the two sharing how their nights went. Remek soon joined them as well.
- With the danger of Nikki's sisters present, the three of them on orders of Allei pulled out of Harmonia Station and went out into spare.
- During the down time, CLINT and Crow watched a movie that CLINT claimed was based partially on Crow's father.
- Remek and Nikki worked on Nikki's secret project.
- While in space, the group ran into a magnetic anomaly that threatened to leave them stranded in space. Through some quick thinking and careful maneuvering, the group was able to escape from the effected area. They hovered outside Harmonia Station; waiting for the rest of the group.
- At the party...
- Allei ran into an old acquaintance of hers from the U.C. Academy. Nicole Portner was a prodigy under the U.C. and trained under Allei's father. She was well known for her tactical planning and environmental awareness. She did a tour with the U.C. before leaving and entering the private sector with JumpCorp where she easily climbed the ranks and became in charge of event planning and finances. Her record is nearly spotless, but she is dogged with rumors of being a member of a religious cult.
- Vela stumbled into the hall where a raffle drawing was being done for the attendants. She was lucky enough to be called down by Rob Rorker, a kalian host who was over-excited, but found it difficult to work with Vela. He offered her a choice of prize and she of course picked the mystery box. She ended up walking away with the frame of a Power Armor which appeared in a HoloPlay.
- AUW after touching base with Horst, ran into a beetle-insectoid called coleopteras. This person was named Koleos and had an interest in AUW since he had never met one of his kind before, but had heard plenty about them and their penchant for cybernetics. Koleos considered himself to be a cutting edge cyber-tech designer and wanted to offer AUW a free enhancement - a pro-bono affair that would allow him to see what it was like to work on an AUW and see how his work fared on the field. AUW agreed and set-up an appointment time.
- Tamit ran into Ssssal (a will executor for JumpCorp) and his assistant Bigfoot. Tamit decided to engage him in conversation and lured him to his hotel room under the pretense of sex. She was able to learn the following information, but ultimately did not engage in any activities with him - leaving him nursing a potential grudge (if he'll remember it after all the alcohol).
- Ssssal is at Harmonia Station to oversee the clusterfuck that is Horst's estate as he was declared dead and his will was executed. So he is attempting to repair that. He had to attend the charity event out of obligation to the corporation.
- His personal goal was to drink heavily and get lucky with some action. However, his business goal was to increase his standing among Maruul Soteeg, Nicole Portner, Chanx Oblios, and Horst Tappelkhirre.
- He didn't seem to know R. personally, but was aware that JumpCorp likely had outstanding interests in her given her history with them if she was in fact still alive.
- Tamit then inquired about various rumors floating around among Ssssal's personal contacts.
- The group reunites...
- Everyone shared their intel with each other and contemplated how to deal with Nikki and Remek's hunters and which missions to pursue with JumpCorp.
- The next task on the dossier is to meet with Horst Tappelkhirre privately and then choose a task to pursue.
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